Allgemein SupportCatalogSozialwissenschaftAllgemeinSoziologiePolitikMedien / KommunikationEthnologieRechtWirtschaft128.632 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Noel Timms: Social Work Originally published in 1970, Social Work is an introduction for students and others who are thinking of taking up social work, or who want to know what social work is. The book begins by outlining t … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.35 Theodor Hampe: Revival: Crime and Punishment in Germany (1929) The book includes the results of the research conducted by the author on the Nuremberg Malefactors’ Books, more specifically of crime, punishment and execution as reflected in the official and privat … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.50 John W. Frazier & Florence Margai: Race And Place This book addresses the issues in an empirical fashion after examining different sociological and geographic perspectives. It provides a basic understanding of the multi-faceted nature of racial ineq … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.49 Sharon D Herzberger: Violence Within The Family Herzberger connects the study of child, partner, sibling, and elderly abuse to the varied disciplinary perspectives of social psychology. She addresses aggression, the consequences of this type of vi … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.19 Kajsa (Linkoping University, Sweden) Ellegard: Thinking Time Geography Time-geography is a mode of thinking that helps in the understanding of change in society, the wider context and ecological consequences of human actions. This book presents its assumptions, con … EPUB Adobe DRM €3.84 Katherine Hubbard: Queer Ink: A Blotted History Towards Liberation This historical interdisciplinary book contextualises the Rorschach ink blot test and embeds it within feminist action and queer liberation. What do you see when you look at an ink blot? The Rorschac … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.08 R.J. (University of Nottingham, UK) Anderson & W.W. (Manchester University, UK) Sharrock: Action at a Distance This book examines the nature of work and management, centring on documents as a class of management objects which have been relatively understudied in ethnomethodological research. Treating document … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.13 Eulah Croson Laucks: The Meaning Of Children As more individuals delay having children or opt for childlessness, the question arises: What value do people place on children in contemporary U.S. society? Dr. Laucks studies this question through … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.23 Yasmeen Abu-Laban & Abigail B. Bakan: Israel, Palestine and the Politics of Race As the situation in Israel/Palestine seems to become ever more intractable and protracted, the need for new ways of looking at recent developments and their historical roots is more pressing than eve … EPUB Adobe DRM €31.22 Howard G. Schneiderman: Engagement and Disengagement Part dialogue, part debate between Howard Schneiderman and a small number of social theorists, Engagement and Disengagement represents the culmination of a life’s work in social theory. On the one ha … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.70 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×