Allgemein SupportCatalogSozialwissenschaftAllgemeinSoziologiePolitikMedien / KommunikationEthnologieRechtWirtschaft128.650 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Paul R. Porter: Rebuilding America“s Cities A growing cooperation between the public and private sectors indicates that the tasks of redevelopment are too large and complex for either sector to accomplish alone. Some people maintain that gover … EPUB Adobe DRM €38.42 Les B. Whitbeck: Nowhere to Grow Les B. Whitbeck and Dan R. Hoyt begin their report on street children in the Midwest with the statement, ‚If you live in or have visited even a medium-sized city recently, you have seen runaway and h … EPUB Adobe DRM €20.47 Charles Merriam: American Political Ideas, 1865-1917 Charles Merriam is scarcely read today, and even among scholars he is probably more often cited than read seriously. His ambiguous position in the study of American democracy is unfortunate. Between … EPUB Adobe DRM €61.76 Bruce (Security Refuge LLC, Melbourne, Florida, USA) Middleton: A History of Cyber Security Attacks Stories of cyberattacks dominate the headlines. Whether it is theft of massive amounts of personally identifiable information or the latest intrusion of foreign governments in U.S. government and ind … EPUB Adobe DRM €55.04 Stefan Kuhl: Organizations From businesses, public administrations, universities and schools, to hospitals, prisons, political parties, or the military, peoples’ lives are inextricably bound up with organizations from cradle t … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.32 Peter Hasle: Human Development and Working Life Human Development and Working Life – Work for Welfare explores whether the development of human resources at company level can improve individuals“ quality of life, company“s possibilities of devel … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.35 Assa Doron: Caste, Occupation and Politics on the Ganges This intriguing anthropological study investigates how the boatmen of Banaras have repositioned themselves within the traditional social organization and used their privileged position on the river t … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.58 Dr Charlotte O’Brien: Unity in Adversity “In this important contribution to the analysis and construction of European Union citizenship, Charlotte O“Brien provides her characteristic blend of rigorous legal scholarship and compelling soci … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.35 Janet Newman: Working the Spaces of Power This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on This book highlights the way in which contemporary forms of gover … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.97 Richard Thurnwald: Economics in Primitive Communities Originally published in 1932, this book discusses aspects of economic life in Africa. Detailed consideration is given to food production, population increase, hunting, herding, distribution of goods … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.24 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×