Politik SupportCatalogSozialwissenschaftAllgemeinSoziologiePolitikMedien / KommunikationEthnologieRechtWirtschaftAllgemeines, LexikaPolitische WissenschaftPolitische Theorien, IdeengeschichtePolitisches SystemStaatslehre, politische VerwaltungPolitik, Wirtschaftvergleichende PolitikwissenschaftEntwicklungstheorie, EntwicklungspolitikSonstiges115.179 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Norman Myers: A Wealth Of Wild Species This book tells how our welfare is ever more intimately tied up with the welfare of the millions of species that share the One Earth home with us. It presents a synoptic review of the contributions t … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.64 Yehoyada Haim: Abandonment Of Illusions Since the late nineteenth century and especially in times of great tension in the Middle East, observers have asked whether the longstanding Arab-Jewish conflict could have been avoided. The early Zi … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.36 Francesco Costamagna & Alberto Miglio: EU Law Enforcement The existence of a structured enforcement system is an inherent feature of national legal orders and one of the core elements of State sovereignty. The very limited power to issue sanctions has often … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.45 Steven R. (Professor, The Johns Hopkins University) David: Catastrophic Consequences A look at how civil upheaval in foreign nations is becoming a greater threat to the United States than international warfare, and what must be done. Civil war and other types of radical domestic uphe … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.95 Peter Jones: Group Rights Nowadays, rights are frequently ascribed to groups distinguished by their nationality, culture, religion or language. Rights are also commonly ascribed to institutionalised groups, such as states, bu … EPUB Adobe DRM €385.17 G.L.A. Harris: Living Legends and Full Agency WINNER OF THE 2017 ASPA SECTION ON PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION AND LABOR RELATIONS OUTSTANDING BOOK AWARD! This research and policy book examines the role of women in the military and the overwhelming e … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.16 Tony (University of Birmingham, UK) Bovaird & Elke (Governance International, UK) Loeffler: Public Management and Governance Public Management and Governance is the leading text in international public management and governance and an ideal introduction to all aspects of this field. It combines rigorous insight from pre-em … EPUB Adobe DRM €59.22 Benjamin Ginsberg: The Dark Side of Politics This series of scholarly chapters explores the unpleasant realities of modern politics – and American politics in particular – by examining how self- interest, war, violence, deception and institutio … EPUB Adobe DRM €47.84 Adam B. Lowther: The Asia-Pacific Century When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton published ‚America“s Pacific Century‘ in Foreign Policy magazine in November 2011, the administration was clearly indicating to domestic and international aud … EPUB Adobe DRM €76.80 Richard (University College London, UK) Mole: The Baltic States from the Soviet Union to the European Union The Baltic States are unique in being the only member-states of the EU to have fought to regain their sovereignty from the Soviet Union, only then to cede it to Brussels in certain key areas. Similar … EPUB Adobe DRM €69.62 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×