Politik SupportCatalogSozialwissenschaftAllgemeinSoziologiePolitikMedien / KommunikationEthnologieRechtWirtschaftAllgemeines, LexikaPolitische WissenschaftPolitische Theorien, IdeengeschichtePolitisches SystemStaatslehre, politische VerwaltungPolitik, Wirtschaftvergleichende PolitikwissenschaftEntwicklungstheorie, EntwicklungspolitikSonstiges115.179 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Dr Irena Rosenthal: Democracy and Ontology This book investigates the relationship between liberal democracies and ontology, that is, philosophical claims about the constitution of agents and the social world. Many philosophers argue that ont … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.52 Sarmistha R. Majumdar: The Politics of Fracking Over the last decade, the oil and gas industry has garnered a lot of support from the United States federal and state governments in the name of energy independence and economic prosperity. More spec … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.42 Frederic S Pearson: The Global Spread Of Arms This book surveys the broad terrain covered by the concept of ““the security dilemma““ and points out landmarks along the route proceeding from proliferation to economic interests, showing that t … EPUB Adobe DRM €49.13 Partha S. Ghosh: The Politics of Personal Law in South Asia The viability of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) has always been a bone of contention in socially and politically plural South Asia. It is entangled within the polemics of identity politics, minority ri … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.58 Lauren E Eastwood: Negotiating the Environment Civil society participants have voiced concerns that the environmental problems that were the subject of multilateral environmental agreements negotiated during the 1992 Rio processes are not serving … EPUB Adobe DRM €25.77 Peter I Hajnal: The G7/G8 System First published in 1999, this guide to the G7/G8 system discusses the origins, characteristics, role and agenda of the G7/G8 system; reviews its evolution; surveys the major debates and questions abo … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.45 Oscar (Del Rosario University, Colombia) Palma: Commercial Insurgencies in the Networked Era This book examines the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) as a commercial insurgency through the network-complex paradigm of insurgency. Countering traditional perspectives of the group, i … EPUB Adobe DRM €58.86 Jean (European University Institute, Italy.) Blondel: African Presidential Republics This book provides a systematic assessment of the behaviour of some relatively successful presidents in African presidential republics, examining the part played by presidents in the development of t … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.34 Dunstan M. Wai: The Southern Sudan Published in 1973: This thoroughgoing collection of informed and incisive essay brings together for the first time between the covers of a single volume a very wide spectrum of views on one of the ke … EPUB Adobe DRM €42.35 Donald D. Barry & Yuri Feofanov: Politics and Justice in Russia: Major Trials of the Post-Stalin Era Combining a journalist“s view of major trials with a political-legal analysis, this text gives a picture of the politics of justice in Russia. Coverage of major court cases ranges from the 1961 tria … EPUB Adobe DRM €33.31 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×