Politik SupportCatalogSozialwissenschaftAllgemeinSoziologiePolitikMedien / KommunikationEthnologieRechtWirtschaftAllgemeines, LexikaPolitische WissenschaftPolitische Theorien, IdeengeschichtePolitisches SystemStaatslehre, politische VerwaltungPolitik, Wirtschaftvergleichende PolitikwissenschaftEntwicklungstheorie, EntwicklungspolitikSonstiges115.179 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Johann Robert Basedow: The EU in the Global Investment Regime The European Union (EU) has emerged as a key actor in the global investment regime since the 1980s. At the same time, international investment policy and agreements, which govern international invest … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.54 Walter Laqueur: Optimism in Politics ‚This new collection by Walter Laqueur, one of the most distinguished historians and political commentators of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, vividly brings to life his perspective on fift … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.31 H Paul A Illing: Toxicity and Risk This book aims to set out the political, social, legal and scientific underpinning of risk assessment and risk management for toxic substances. It describes the principles and processes the practitio … EPUB Adobe DRM €99.04 Norman Myers: A Wealth Of Wild Species This book tells how our welfare is ever more intimately tied up with the welfare of the millions of species that share the One Earth home with us. It presents a synoptic review of the contributions t … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.64 James L Garnett: Reorganizing State Government Although state executive branch reorganization has been surrounded by controversy and expense for more than sixty years and has been occurring at an unprecedented rate during the last thirteen, much … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.69 Ian Cuthbertson & Peter M E Volten: The Guns Fall Silent This book discusses part of the military-stability problem, notably the part relating to East-West relationships, which is becoming synonymous with military stability between the Soviet Union and NAT … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.06 Stephen C Craig: The Malevolent Leaders Trust in government dropped to a near-record low during the 1992 election as Ross Perot’s startling campaign illustrated all too graphically. Stephen Craig shows the trajectory of this popular discon … EPUB Adobe DRM €37.29 Daniel (University of Sheffield, UK) Mulugeta: Everyday State in Africa This book reconceptualises the idea of the state in Ethiopia. It focuses on the cultural and political processes of state formation, and reveals the complexity of state society relations as they unfo … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.58 Derek McDougall: Australian Security After 9/11 Debates on security became more intense following the unanticipated end of the Cold War conflict and took on added force after the terrorist attacks on the US on September 11, 2001. Generally viewed … EPUB Adobe DRM €56.70 Susan Guber: How To Win Your 1st Election When this book was first published in 1987, many first-time candidates unabashedly referred to it as ‚the Bible.‘ Now in a new, updated edition, How to Win Your 1st Election is a step-by-step guide t … EPUB Adobe DRM €92.66 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×