Politische Soziologie SupportCatalogSozialwissenschaftSoziologieAllgemeines, LexikaSoziologische TheorienSozialforschungArbeitssoziologie, WirtschaftssoziologieStadtsoziologieFrauenforschungSozialstrukturforschungPolitische SoziologieSonstiges2.743 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Paul Mason: Why It’s Kicking Off Everywhere The world is facing a wave of uprisings, protests and revolutions: Arab dictators swept away, public spaces occupied, slum-dwellers in revolt, cyberspace buzzing with utopian dreams. Events we were t … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €19.99 Ian Goldin & Mike Mariathasan: The Butterfly Defect How to better manage systemic risks—from cyber attacks and pandemics to financial crises and climate change—in a globalized world The Butterfly Defect addresses the widening gap between the new syste … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €26.99 Jeffrey C. Goldfarb: Reinventing Political Culture The way people think and act politically is not set in stone. People can and do change the fundamental cultural contours of their political situation. Their political culture does not only restrict i … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €16.99 Hilary E. Kahn: Framing the Global Framing the Global explores new and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of global issues. Essays are framed around the entry points or key concepts that have emerged in each contributor’s engag … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €9.49 Cedric de Leon: Party and Society Political parties are central to democratic life, yet there is no standard definition to describe them or the role they occupy. ‚Voter-centered‘ theoretical approaches suggest that parties are the me … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €16.99 Cajetan Iheka & Jack Taylor: African Migration Narratives Examines the representations of migration in African literature, film, and other visual media, with an eye to the stylistic features of these works as well as their contributions to debates on migrat … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €9.99 Jonathan Fletcher: Violence and Civilization This book provides an introduction to the work of Norbert Elias. It is the first systematic appraisal of two central themes of his thought – violence and civilization. Although Elias is best known fo … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €20.40 Colin Crouch: The Globalization Backlash Globalization, heralded for decades as a harbinger of prosperity, faces a huge backlash. Derided by right-wing nationalists as a ‘globalist’ plot to undermine traditional communities, and by left-win … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €13.99 Daniel W. Drezner: All Politics Is Global Has globalization diluted the power of national governments to regulate their own economies? Are international governmental and nongovernmental organizations weakening the hold of nation-states on gl … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €36.99 Glennis Byron: Globalgothic ‘The dead travel fast and, in our contemporary globalised world, so too does the gothic.’ Examining how gothic has been globalised and globalisation made gothic, this collection of essays explores an … EPUB Englisch Adobe DRM €24.99 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×