Europa – mit Kanarischen Inseln, Zypern, Türkei, Russland SupportCatalogReisenKarten / StadtpläneDeutschlandEuropaAfrikaNaher OstenAsienNordamerika, MittelamerikaSüdamerikaAustralien, Neuseeland, OzeanienWelt, Arktis, Antarktis124 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Victor Alfred Nilsson: Sweden In ‚Sweden, ‚ Victor Alfred Nilsson masterfully weaves a rich tapestry that captures the essence of Swedish culture, history, and landscape. The book adopts a lyrical prose style, blending vivid imag … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Augustus J. C. Hare: Walks in Rome In ‚Walks in Rome, ‚ Augustus J. C. Hare offers an evocative and richly detailed exploration of the Eternal City, blending personal anecdotes with historical insights to create a literary tapestry th … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Laurence Hutton: Literary Landmarks of Venice In ‚Literary Landmarks of Venice, ‚ Laurence Hutton masterfully weaves a tapestry of literary history and cultural richness through the enchanting city of Venice. This meticulously researched work is … EPUB Englisch €1.99 John William Clayton: The Sunny South: An Autumn in Spain and Majorca In ‚The Sunny South: An Autumn in Spain and Majorca, ‚ John William Clayton invites readers on a captivating journey through the evocative landscapes and rich histories of Spain and Majorca during th … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Charles Dickens: Pictures From Italy In ‚Pictures From Italy, ‚ Charles Dickens presents a captivating travelogue that combines vivid descriptive prose with a keen social commentary, encapsulating his observations of Italian life during … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Maud Howe Elliott: Roma beata; letters from the Eternal city In ‚Roma Beata: Letters from the Eternal City, ‚ Maud Howe Elliott crafts a beautifully evocative narrative that transports readers to the heart of Rome in the late 19th century. The book comprises a … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Katharine S. Macquoid: Pictures in Umbria In ‚Pictures in Umbria, ‚ Katharine S. Macquoid artfully weaves a narrative that transports readers to the picturesque landscapes and vibrant cultures of Umbria, Italy. Composed with a keen eye for d … EPUB Englisch €1.99 F. Barham Zincke: A month in Switzerland In ‚A Month in Switzerland, ‚ F. Barham Zincke artfully chronicles his journey through the picturesque landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of Switzerland. His prose is evocative and intricate, capt … EPUB Englisch €1.99 M. F. Mansfield: Italian Highways and Byways from a Motor Car In ‚Italian Highways and Byways from a Motor Car, ‚ M. F. Mansfield embarks on a captivating journey through the picturesque landscapes and diverse cultures of Italy. Through a seamless blend of trav … EPUB Englisch €1.99 Bayard Taylor: Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland In ‚Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland, ‚ Bayard Taylor employs a vivid and evocative literary style that captures the stark beauty and cultural richness of Sc … EPUB Englisch €2.49 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×