This volume includes many of the best essays by Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy (1951-2015), one of the most original scholars of Russian culture of her generation. Nepomnyashchy’s broad interests ranged from Pushkin to contemporary Russian popular culture. Her work speaks to issues that remain central to Slavic studies today, including imperialist impulses and rhetoric in Russian culture; the resiliency and post-Soviet afterlife of Stalinist mythic and cultic formulas; and problems connected with dissent, censorship, and displacement. In addition to some of Nepomnyashchy’s best previously published scholarly work, this volume includes excerpts from The Politics of Tradition: Rerooting Russian Literature After Stalin, the book manuscript that Nepomnyashchy was working on in the last years of her life.
Introduction: Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy as a Scholar of Russian Culture
Emily D. Johnson, Irina Reyfman, and Carol Ueland
Part 1. Pushkin, Pushkin, Pushkin, and Katkov
1. The Poet, History, and the Supernatural: A Note on Pushkin’s “The Poet” and The Bronze Horseman
2. Pushkin’s The Bronze Horseman and Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”: A Curious Case of Cultural Cross-Fertilization?
3. A Note on Curiosity in Pushkin’s The Blackamoor of Peter the Great
4. Katkov and the Emergence of the Russian Messenger
Part 2. Russia and the West
5. Jane Austen in Russia: Hidden Presence and Belated Boom
6. King, Queen, Sui-Mate: Nabokov’s Defense against Freud’s “Uncanny”
7. “Imperially, My Dear Watson”: Sherlock Holmes and the Decline of the Soviet Empire
Part 3. The Soviet/Post-Soviet Experience
8. Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago: The Resurrection of the Living Past
9. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Its Intertexts: Aksakov’s “Stepan Mikhailovich’s Good Day” and Kataev’s Time Forward!
10. Koshkin Dom: Following the Golden Shoelace
11. Tatiana Tolstaia: The Text of Family and the Family in the Text—Genealogy, Gender, and the Rhetoric of Lineage
Part 4. Russian Culture, High and Low
12. Dance as Metaphor: The Russian Ballerina and the Imperial Imagination
13. The Blockbuster Miniseries on Soviet TV: Isaev-Shtirlits, the Ambiguous Hero of Seventeen Moments in Spring
14. Markets, Mirrors, and Mayhem: Aleksandra Marinina and the Rise of the New Russian Detektiv
Selected Publications by Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy
Über den Autor
Carol R. Ueland is Professor Emerita at Drew University. Her scholarly works are on Russian poetry and translation, women’s studies and biograpy. Her most recent book is Literary Biographies in the Lives of Remarkable People Series, co-edited with Ludmilla A. Trigos (Lexington Books, 2022).