Elaborates the author’s conception of plasticity by proposing a new way of thinking through Heidegger’s writings on change.
Behind Martin Heidegger’s question of Being lies another one not yet sufficiently addressed in continental philosophy: change. Catherine Malabou, one of France’s most inventive contemporary philosophers, explores this topic in the writings of Heidegger through the themes of metamorphosis, migration, exchange, and modification, finding and articulating a radical theory of ontico-ontological transformability. The Heidegger Change sketches the implications of this theory for a wide range of issues of central concern to the humanities-capitalism, the gift, ethics, suffering, the biological, technology, imagination, and time. Not since the writings of Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas has the work of Heidegger been the subject of such inventive interpretation and original theory in its own right.
Translator/Editor’s Preface
Introduction: Wandel, Wandlung, and Verwandlung (W, W, & V)
More than a Title
The Situation of the Question of Change in Heidegger’s Thought
The Migratory-Metamorphic Articulation
The Janus-Head Gestell
Heidegger and the Others
PART I: Metamorphoses and Migrations of Metaphysics
Change at the Beginning
The Double Process of Schematization
1. The Metabolism of the Immutable
The Structural Traits of Philosophy
The Whole-Form and Its Particular Trajectories
Change—and Change
2. The Mound of Visions: Plato Averts His Gaze
‚Heidegger’s Doctrine of Truth‘
Miming Bildung
History and Change
First Incision: Geltung
3. ‚Color, the Very Look of Things, Their Eidos, Presencing, Being—This is What Changes‘
W, W, & V, or the Real Foundation of Inversion
The Will and Its Fashioning
The Inclusion of the Thinker in What Is Thought
The Transformation of Transcendence
4. Outline of a Cineplastic of Being
From One Change to the Other: Persistence of Form and Trajectory
Continuity and Rupture
The Two Turns (of Phrase) of the Heideggerian Cineplastic
PART II: The New Ontological Exchange
How Is There Change from the Beginning?
Ereignis as Interchange
Gestell: The Essential Mechanism
5. Changing the Gift
The Appearances of W, W, & V in Time and Being
Ereignis and Donation
Second Incision: Gunst
6. Surplus Essence: Gestell and Automatic Conversion
‚A Change in Being—That is, Now, in the Essence of Gestell—Comes to Pass…‘
What is a Changing Alterity?
7. The Fantastic Is Only Ever an Effect of the Real
The Crossing of Essences
A Form Whose Homeland Is No Longer Metaphysics
Third Incision: Changing the Symbolic
PART III: At Last — Modification
What Cannot Be Left Must Be Returned to
8. Metamorphosis to Modification: Kafka Reading Being and Time
Modification at the Beginning
The Essential Characteristics of Modification
The Other, the Other!
9. ‚The Thin Partition that Separatese Dasein From Itself…‘
Modification’s Lot is Fixed to the Wall
Molding and Movement
Breakdown of Self
10. Man and Dasein, Boring Each Other
Stimmung and Metaphysics
Time’s Forms, Crossing the Depths
The Event of Existence
Conclusion: The W, W, & V of an Alternative
Flexibility and Plasticity
Effectivity and Revolution
The End of All History (of Being)
The Duplicity of Self-Transformation
The Heidegger Change in the Balance
Bibliography of Cited Works by Heidegger
Über den Autor
Catherine Malabou is Professor at the Center for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kingston University in London. She is the author of many books, including Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction and The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic. Peter Skafish is a Fondation Fyssen postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale (Collège de France) in Paris.