Autor: Charles Brown

Charles Brown is one of the most noted author, consultant, and trainers in the industry today. His books about Dreamweaver and Fireworks have received critical acclaim and used worldwide as teaching tools. In addition to his work in the IT industry, Charles is also a noted concert pianist, organist, and guitarist appearing in major concert centers world-wide. He began his musical studies at age 4 and went on to study with famed pianist Vladimir Horowitz. At age 14, he made his debut with Leonard Bernstein and later studied at the famed Juilliard School. Eventually he went to Paris to study with the 20th century legend, Igor Stravinsky. While working with Stravinsky, Charles developed a close friendship with one of the most powerful artistic forces of the 20th century: Pablo Picasso. What he learned about creativity from Picasso he uses today in his writings and training work. Charles is a certified Macromedia/Adobe trainer who is in heavy demand worldwide. He frequently speaks at major conferences such as MAX and NAB. You can see his blog at and his website can be found at Charles

12 Ebooks von Charles Brown

Charles Brown: The Essential Guide to Flex 2 with ActionScript 3.0
Flex 2 represents something of a revolution in web applications. It is the next evolutionary step of Flash, which has grown from a web animation tool to a powerful enterprise web design and developme …
Charles Brown: The Essential Guide to Flex 3
Flex 3 is the next generation of a technology that revolutionized web applications. It is the next evolutionary step of Flash, which has grown from a web animation medium to a powerful enterprise web …
Marco Casario & Peter Elst: HTML5 Solutions
HTML5 brings the biggest changes that HTML has seen in years. Web designers and developers now have a whole host of new techniques up their sleeves, from displaying video and audio natively in HTML, …
Charles Brown: Christian Short Stories, Intrigues, Poems, Phrases and Christian Literature
This book is a MUST read. Anyone who care about the greatness of the United States and believe in the resurrection of Jesus the Christ will surely add to their stature by reading this book. This book …
Gregory Ferrell Lowe & Charles Brown: Managing Media Firms and Industries
This volume provides rich insight into the nature and practice of media management. Contributions assess the degree to which management of media firms requires a unique set of skills, highlighting si …
Charles Brown: Geriatric Anesthesia, An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics
The volume of elderly patients requiring anesthesia and surgery is growing rapidly. Thirty-five percent of surgeries are performed on patients older than 65 years, and in general, these patients have …
Charles Brown & Joyce J. Evans: Fireworks MX Zero to Hero
Fireworks MX Zero To Hero is intended for the majority of readers who don’t need to be told when to jump, or ask how high. If you’re new to Fireworks MX, this book will provide you with a fast learni …
Charles Brown & C.S. Marlatt: Anatomy of A Drug Addict
One out of ten families deal with addiction to drugs or alcohol. The number of young men and women dying from addiction has grown over the years and is still growing today. Addiction impacts not only …
Charles Brown: Assassination of the American Character
I began writing about the American character nearly ten years ago. I began by writing my belief that Christianity teaches and promotes individualism. I consider individualism to be the missing ingred …
Charles Brown: Nihil