Autor: Chennai) Madhava Raja Nadaradjane Sri (St. Joseph’s College of Engineering


2 Ebooks von Chennai) Madhava Raja Nadaradjane Sri (St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Nilanjan Dey & Nadaradjane Sri (St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai) Madhava Raja: A Beginner’s Guide to Multilevel Image Thresholding
A Beginner’s Guide to Image Multi-Level Thresholding emphasizes various image thresholding methods that are necessary for image pre-processing and initial level enhancement.
  • Explains ba …
Nilanjan Dey & Nadaradjane Sri (St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai) Madhava Raja: A Beginner’s Guide to Multilevel Image Thresholding
A Beginner’s Guide to Image Multi-Level Thresholding emphasizes various image thresholding methods that are necessary for image pre-processing and initial level enhancement.
  • Explains ba …