This comprehensive book focuses on better big-data security for healthcare organizations. Following an extensive introduction to the Internet of Things (Io T) in healthcare including challenging topics and scenarios, it offers an in-depth analysis of medical body area networks with the 5th generation of Io T communication technology along with its nanotechnology. It also describes a novel strategic framework and computationally intelligent model to measure possible security vulnerabilities in the context of e-health. Moreover, the book addresses healthcare systems that handle large volumes of data driven by patients’ records and health/personal information, including big-data-based knowledge management systems to support clinical decisions. Several of the issues faced in storing/processing big data are presented along with the available tools, technologies and algorithms to deal with those problems as well as a case study in healthcare analytics.
Addressing trust, privacy, andsecurity issues as well as the Io T and big-data challenges, the book highlights the advances in the field to guide engineers developing different Io T devices and evaluating the performance of different Io T techniques. Additionally, it explores the impact of such technologies on public, private, community, and hybrid scenarios in healthcare. This book offers professionals, scientists and engineers the latest technologies, techniques, and strategies for Io T and big data.
Internet of Things Driven Connected Healthcare.-Internet of Things in Healthcare
Energy Efficient Network Design for Io T Healthcare Applications.-Exploring Formal Strategy Framework for the Security in Io T in e-health using Computational Intelligence.-Vitality of Robotics in Healthcare Industry: An Internet of Things (Io T) Perspective.-Internet of Things Meets Mobile Health Systems in Smart Spaces: An Overview.-Information and Communication Emerging Technology: Making Sense of Healthcare Innovation.-Health Informatics as a Service (HIaa S) for Developing Countries.- Analysis of Power Aware Protocols and Standards for Critical E-Health Applications.-Social Networking and Analytics.-A decision support system in brain tumor detection and localization in nominated areas in MR images.-Detecting Unusual Human Activities Using GPU-enabled Neural Network and Kinect Sensors.