Ascend to Mount Zion is a comprehensive guide for a journey through the Scriptures that reveals God’s design for the sanctuary where we gather to worship. The book leads readers to dig verse by verse into their Bible and hear its call to assemble, bow down in worship, and lift holy hands in praise. Every Scripture opens our eyes to see the light of Christ that strengthens God’s people and rallies us to our Savior’s banner. We focus on Christ’s radical love, that inspires a reverent awe and compels us to lift our voices in songs of praise to glorify and exalt the LORD God, Maker of all the heavens and Earth. The study is divided into sections to provide achievable milestones for personal growth and small groups to use for weekly studies as schedules allow. Each study concludes with group discussion questions.
The Ascent Begins Here i
Part I: Children of the Resurrection 1
Chapter 1: A History of Worship 3
Chapter 2: A Heart for Gathering 13
Chapter 3: True to Our Purpose 23
Part II: A Repentant Cry 31
Chapter 4: Cain’s Offering 33
Chapter 5: Out of Focus 41
Chapter 6: It’s in the Bulletin 49
Chapter 7: The Reality of Experience 57
Chapter 8: Testimony Time 65
Chapter 9: Cleanse the Temple 73
Part III: Children of Zion 81
Chapter 10: Abel’s Sacrifice 83
Chapter 11: Dressed and Ready For Battle 91
Chapter 12: Crossing the Threshold 99
Part IV: Awaken the Dawn 107
Chapter 13: Where We Gather 109
Chapter 14: Come Together With Purpose 117
Chapter 15: Exalting God in a Storm 127
Chapter 16: The Object of Our Worship 135
Part V: Strengthen the Foundations 143
Chapter 17: A Call to Order 145
Chapter 18: A House of Prayer 153
Chapter 19: Water Baptism 161
Chapter 20: The LORD’s Table 171
Chapter 21: Teaching the True Word 181
Chapter 22: Proclaiming the True Gospel 189
Chapter 23: Ministries of Spiritual Gifts 197
Chapter 24: Awesome Offerings 209
Part VI: Children of Promise 219
Chapter 25: Songs of Victory 221
Chapter 26: Worthy Exaltations 229
Chapter 27 : Our High Priest’s Ministry 235
Chapter 28: Our High Priest’s Prayer 241
Chapter 29: Forgiveness 247
Part VII: Praise of Children and Infants 255
Chapter 30 : Lift up Holy Hands 257
Chapter 31: Sing a New Song 265
Chapter 32: A Sweet-Smelling Fragrance 271
Chapter 33: A Redeemed People 279
Chapter 34: Songs of Rest 287
Chapter 35: The Watchman Calls Out 295
Part VIII: Faithful to the Temple’s Design 303
Chapter 36: From the Beginning to Forever 305
Chapter 37: Put Your Feet in the Water 313
Standing on the Summit 321
Über den Autor
Cho Larson’s years of Christian service and lay ministry uniquely prepared him to present Biblical concepts using Bible study guides designed for small groups. Every chapter builds up and encourages God’s people to fulfill their calling in Christ (Ephesians 2:10). Cho’s instruction offers a refreshing perspective for a Christian life filled with grace and mercy. His faith-building Bible teachings became fixed in his heart during years of examining the Scriptures and leading home study groups. His passion for teaching is a result of seeing God’s Word change people’s lives for good.Cho has served in various positions of Christian leadership, including Christian Education, elder, deacon, home group leader, and Bible instructor. His experience made him aware of the struggles we face as we prepare to serve in our church and community. Cho is a first-hand witness of the need for loving ministries through spiritual gifts that serve to strengthen the Church.His writing began in earnest during years of attending Christian Writers Conferences. The quality instruction and encouragement of accomplished authors and freelance writers served as an invaluable impetus in his writing career. The four ‚Kingdom Series‘ books are the fruit of the good work God has accomplished in his life. Cho’s ‚Kalmus Series‘ study guides build on the tenets of his first four books to encourage modern-day Christians to break free from their limitations to accomplish the work of ministry and service in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit. The ‚Barnabas Series‘ focuses on being united with Christ, building and strengthening worship, and answering the call of the Great Commission. Cho and his family live in Northern Arizona’s Verde Valley.