Christina Schwabenland is a Reader in Public and Voluntary Sector Management at the University of Bedfordshire. She has a doctorate in voluntary sector studies, has published two books on voluntary sector research and is currently researching diversity management in the voluntary sector and her work has been published in Human Relations, Organization and Culture and Organization. Chris Lange is currently is engaged in nonprofit management and social work of a faith-based organisation in Beirut, Lebanon. She has a doctorate in political science from the Free University of Berlin, worked in Third Sector research as a freelancer and taught at the Alice Salomon-University of Applied Social Sciences in Berlin. She is co-founder of the Affinity Group of Gender of ISTR. Jenny Onyx is Professor of Community Management in the Business School at the University Technology Sydney (UTS). She is Co-Director of Cosmopolitan Civil Societies research center, and former Editor of Third Sector Review. She is particularly concerned with issues of advocacy, social capital, volunteering and civil society and has published widely in these fields. Sachiko Nakagawa researches social enterprise and social inclusion, focusing on work integration social enterprises (WISEs) for the disabled. She publishes many papers in international conferences, international journals and books edited by foreign researchers. She is an active member of International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), for which she was previously coordinator of the Affinity Group on Gender, and EMES European Research Network and is also a partner of the International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) project.
4 Ebooks von Chris Lange
Christina Schwabenland & Chris Lange: Women’s Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence Women are at the heart of civil society organisations. Through them they have achieved many successes, challenged oppressive practices at a local and g …
Chris Lange: Smart Factory im Kontext der Industrie 4.0. Leitfaden zur Orientierung in der Digitalen Welt
Facharbeit (Schule) aus dem Jahr 2017 im Fachbereich BWL – Allgemeines, Note: 1, 0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Welt ist im stetigen Wandel. Möchte man sich als Unternehmen am Markt behaupten, …
Silke Birgitta Gahleitner & Susanne Gerull: Sozialarbeitswissenschaftliche Forschung
• Die Herausbildung des professionellen Selbst in der Sozialen Arbeit • Geschlechtsspezifische Verarbeitung sexueller Gewalt – Salutogenetische Perspektiven • Kontinuität und Bruch – Lebensgeschichte …
Chris Lange & Sachiko Nakagawa: Women’s Emancipation and Civil Society Organisations
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence Women are at the heart of civil society organisations. Through them they have achieved many successes, challenged oppressive practices at a local and g …