What is this book about?This hands-on guide teaches you how to build custom ASP.NET Websites from the ground up. An expert team of authors uses theirextensive ASP.NET programming experience to give you hands-oninstruction in the best way to create Web sites with ASP.NET and C#. This completely updated edition features new examples, and allcode is written and tested for ASP.NET version 1.1.What does this book cover?Here are some details on what you’ll discover in this book:* Fast ASP.NET site construction using Microsoft’s new, free Web Matrix tool* How to install and configure ASP.NET* Basic programming principles for C#, such as variables, controlstructures, and procedural programming* Techniques for applying these principles as you develop ASP.NETpages* The minimum amount of object-oriented programming necessary towork successfully and efficiently with ASP.NET* Key differences between ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1, how to use theexamples in this book with either version, and how to move from 1.0to 1.1* Techniques for extending your ASP.NET sites to incorporaterelated tools and technologies, such as using ADO.NET for datasource access, Web Services for inter-site communication, and Server Controls to facilitate code maintenance and reuse* How you can make your ASP.NET site production-ready throughproper debugging, optimization, and security Who is this book for?This book is for beginners who have no previous experience with ASP, C#, XML, object-oriented programming, or the .NET framework. Alittle knowledge of HTML is useful, but not essential. All theconcepts you need to create dynamic ASP.NET Web sites are presentedand explained in full.
Introduction.Chapter 1: Getting Started with ASP.NET.Chapter 2: Anatomy of an ASP.NET Page.Chapter 3: Server Controls and Variables.Chapter 4: Control Structures and Procedural Programming.Chapter 5: Functions.Chapter 6: Event-Driven Programming and Postback.Chapter 7: Objects.Chapter 8: Reading from Databases.Chapter 9: Advanced Data Handling.Chapter 10: ASP.NET Server Controls.Chapter 11: Users and Applications.Chapter 12: Reusable Code for ASP.NET.Chapter 13: .NET Assemblies and Custom Controls.Chapter 14: Debugging and Error Handling.Chapter 15: Configuration and Optimization.Chapter 16: Web Services.Chapter 17: ASP.NET Security.Appendix A: Exercise Solutions.Appendix B: Web Matrix Quick Start.Appendix C: The Wrox United Database.Appendix D: Web Application Development Using Visual Studio.NET.Appendix E: Installing and Configuring IIS.Index.