Autor: Claudia Hernández

Julia Sanches translates from Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan. She has translated works by Susana Moreira Marques, Noemi Jaffe, Daniel Galera, Claudia Hernández, and Geovani Martins, among others. Her translations for And Other Stories include Now and at the Hour of Our Death by Susana Moreira Marques and the forthcoming Permafrost by Eva Balthasar. She is a founding member of the Cedilla & Co. translators’ collective, and currently lives in Providence, Rhode Island.

4 Ebooks von Claudia Hernández

Ariadna Castellarnau & Betina González: Finzione estrema
Le antologie di Traviesa sono curate da scrittori invitati a tracciare un itinerario intorno alle proprie ossessioni più amate. A partire dalla selezione di quattro racconti scelti in prima persona, …
Claudia Hernández: Slash and Burn
Through war and its aftermaths, a woman fights to keep her daughters safe. As a girl she sees her village sacked and her beloved father and brothers flee. Her life in danger, she joins the rebellion …
Javier Reyes Ruiz & Elba Castro: Travesías y dilemas de la pedagogía ambiental en México
Con este libro, los autores asumen que se puede aspirar a una pedagogía ambiental que se constituya en un conocimiento teórico-práctico capaz de reflejar el carácter complejo, holístico, sistémico, i …
Sara Mansa & Claudia Hernández: Pierde el miedo a engordar
PORQUE MERECES DISFRUTAR DE LA COMIDA,  ACEPTAR TU CUERPO Y VIVIR TU VIDA SIN SUFRIMIENTOS  INNECESARIOS. ¿Cuándo empezamos a juzgar nuestra apariencia física, a rechazarla? Vivimos en conflicto con …