The purpose of this publication is to present the English translation of ‚Commentarium 1940-1944 geometres Gheorghe Vranceanu‘ , BOD Verlag, 2020, together with some copies of the more visible pages as documents. Gheorghe Vranceanu was a member of Romanian Academy, president of its Mathematics Section and Vice-President of the International Union of Mathematicians. In the 60-70 ties he was considered as one of the most important scientiests in Geometry.
Über den Autor
Claudia Lidia Badea is a Doctor of Mathematics from the University of Bucharest, a Doctor of Natural Sciences from the University of Vienna, habilitated at the University of Salzburg and is a Corresponding Member of the European Academy of Sciences. Has over 90 scientific publications. Is a reviewer for Zentralblatt für Mathematik, Rev. 1582.