′Criminologists have been waiting a very long time for a psychology of crime that speaks their language. Finally it has arrived.′ – Dr David Gadd, Keele University
Now in an updated second edition, this book explores the links between psychology and crime, taking the reader through psychological explanations of crime and the use of psychology within the criminal justice system. The book aims to demystify some of the myths of psychological criminology and situates the subject within its historical and theoretical foundations, whilst maintaining a contemporary outlook and critical awareness of the field’s advantages and limitations.
This second edition includes:
- Four new chapters, on Psychological perspectives and their approach to crime, Mentally disordered offenders, The Criminal Courts and the role of the Jury, and Victims, Fear of Crime and Offender Management.
- Improved coverage of the issues around interpersonal violence, sexual violence and deviancy, the psychology of crime in groups, and war crimes.
- Increased analysis of psychology and the criminal justice system.
Essential reading for students in criminology, sociology and psychology.
Psychology, Sociology and Crime: Mapping the Historical Terrain
Psychological Perspectives on Crime
Mentally Disordered Offenders
Psychological Theories of Interpersonal Violence and Investigatory Psychology
Investigating Sexual Violence
Crimes in Groups: Explaining Subcultures, Groups and Gangs
Mass Murder, Political Murder and War Crimes
Terrorism: From Pathology to Normality
Interviewing Eyewitnesses and Suspects
Psychology, The Courts and the Role of the Jury
After Crime: Victims, Fear of Crime and Offender Management
The Futures of Criminological Psychology
Über den Autor
Dr Craig Webber is Associate Professor in Criminology within Sociology at the University of Southampton.