Cristian Marchioli is Associate Professor of Fluid Mechanics at the University of Udine, where he coordinates the Ph D program in Energy and Environmental Engineering Sciences. Editor of Acta Mechanica, he is the coordinator of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action COMETE (“Next-Generation Computational Methods for Enhanced Multiphase Flow Processes” and served as chairman of the COST Action “Fiber suspension flow modeling”). Currently, Prof. Marchioli sits in the scientific council of the International Center of Mechanical Sciences, where he coordinated several advanced schools on particles in turbulence over the last decade. His research interests involve multiphase flow modeling, from small-scale particle-turbulence interactions to large-scale modeling of gas-solid/gas-liquid flows.
Maria Vittoria Salvetti: Maria Vittoria Salvetti is Professor of Fluid Dynamics at the University of Pisa. She coordinated the Special Interest Group on „Large-Eddy Simulation“ (SIG 1) and is chairing the Scientific Programme Committee of the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. She is associate editor of Computers and Fluids and of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, and editor of the ERCOFTAC Book Series (Springer). She has been and is currently member of the organizing and scientific committees of many international conferences (e.g., DLES, ETMM, FRONTUQ, TI series). Her research topics involve simulation and modeling, with special focus on Large-Eddy Simulation, of turbulent flows (bluff-body flows, particle-laden flows, wind turbines…), reduced-order models for fluid dynamics, flow instability, flow control, drag reduction, uncertainty quantification and stochastic sensitivity analysis in CFD, micro-fluidics, cardiovascular flows.
Manuel Garcia-Villalba:Manuel Garcia-Villalba is Professor of Computational Fluid Dynamics at TU Wien, Austria. Previously he was Associate Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. He is Associate Editor of European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids. His research focuses on computational fluid dynamics and its applications in engineering, with specific reference to swirling flows, stratified flows, particle-laden flows, aerodynamics, fluid-structure interaction and cardiovascular flows
Philipp Schlatter: Philipp Schlatter is Professor of Fluid Mechanics at Friedrich-Alexander Universität in Erlangen-Nürnberg. Previously he was Professor of Fluid Mechanics at KTH Engineering Mechanics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden His research focuses on large-scale simulations of complex turbulent wall-bounded flows, and corresponding method development for both simulation and postprocessing. He received a Master (2001) and Ph D (2005) degree from ETH Zürich (Switzerland), and moved to KTH in 2005. He is mainly using high-order spectral methods, for which for instance adaptive meshing are relevant topics.
3 Ebooks von Cristian Marchioli
Cristian Marchioli: Collective Dynamics of Particles
The book surveys the state-of-the-art methods that are currently available to model and simulate the presence of rigid particles in a fluid flow. For particles that are very small relative to the cha …
Cristian Marchioli & Maria Vittoria Salvetti: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XIII
This book covers the diverse and cutting-edge research presented at the 13th ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large Eddy Simulation. The first section of the book focuses on Aerodynamics/Aeroacoustics …
Cristian Marchioli & Alfredo Soldati: Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineers
This textbook describes the fundamentals of the phenomena of fluid dynamics in the context of engineering instances. It is designed to replace introductory books and notes on the subject for first-le …