Dan Disney has published four collections of poetry, and his writing appears in Angelaki, Kenyon Review, Antipodes, Orbis Litterarum, and Counter Text. He is an associate editor with the Journal of English Language and Literature, and a regular reviewer with World Literature Today. He teaches with the English Literature Program at Sogang University, in Seoul, South Korea.
Matthew Hall holds a doctorate from the University of Western Australia. He is the author of numerous books, including the monograph On Violence in the work of J.H. Prynne, and has published scholarship with Angelaki, Contemporary Women’s Writing, and The Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry, among others. He works as a designer and education consultant in Melbourne, Australia.
3 Ebooks von Dan Disney
Dan Disney & Matthew Hall: New Directions in Contemporary Australian Poetry
This book sets out to navigate questions of the future of Australian poetry. Deliberately designed as a dialogue between poets, each of the four clusters presented here—“Indigeneities”; “Political La …
Dan Disney: Either, Orpheus
Dan Disney’s highly original either, Orpheus remakes the villanelle. The ’sound-swarms‘ in this contemporary ‚orphic‘ work riff laterally on received poetic and philosophical ideas and incorporate fa …
Dan Disney & Kit Kelen: Writing to the Wire
Surely we are better than this? The seeking of asylum in Australia has been politicised in recent decades. Our national conversation has vilified people fleeing persecution and desensitised the Austr …