Dan Roitner has been riding red bicycles since he was a kid. In search of unknown trails, he bought his first mountain bike in 1985. By 2000 he formed a MTB riding group for the Toronto Bicycling Network and lead rides for over ten years.
Those trail rides took him to new places and eventually led him to share his knowledge with the cycling community on ontariobiketrails.com, a website he both produces and manages.
Dan“s curiosity for finding new trails, combined with a love of cycling, map-making, photography, and a background as a multimedia artist, helps bring it all together-and keeps him busy.
He also produces a sister site, for winter Nordic ski and snowshoe trails called ontarioskitrails.com.
Based near the Beaches on the east side of Toronto, Dan can always find a reason to get out, leave town, and find a trail to enjoy.
1 Ebooks von Dan Roitner
Dan Roitner: Best Bicycle Park and Rail Trails in Ontario – Volume 1
The weekend is here, the sun is out…where to go? Plan your next bicycle adventure with this handy guide!
- 65 Trail Reviews, 152 pag …