Dr Danie Beaulieu is a psychologist from Montreal, Canada. Her teaching in the field of Impact Therapy and Eye Movement Integration Therapy has deeply influenced the practice of hundreds of thousands of therapists around the world. She has written over 20 books and taught on four continents. She is a much sought after speaker and lecturer at symposia all over the world. Find out some of her tools on Youtube (in French, English and German).
5 Ebooks von Danie Beaulieu
Danie Beaulieu: Eye Movement Integration Therapy
Eye Movement Integration Therapy is the first book on the subject, introducing one of the most innovative and effective new treatments available to psychotherapists today. ‚a splendid, coherent analy …
Danie Beaulieu: Impact Techniques in the Classroom
Many teachers admit to feeling that they spend the majority of lesson time doing anything and everything but teaching. Impact Techniques in the Classroom offers a variety of quick and simple activiti …
Danie Beaulieu: Impact Techniques for Therapists
Impact Techniques for Therapists teaches the basic principles of Impact Therapy, first developed by Ed Jacobs in 1992. Drawing heavily on the work of Milton Erickson, this form of therapy uses a crea …
Danie Beaulieu: Impact Techniques for Therapists
Impact Techniques for Therapists teaches the basic principles of Impact Therapy, first developed by Ed Jacobs in 1992. Drawing heavily on the work of Milton Erickson, this form of therapy uses a crea …
Danie Beaulieu: Impact-Techniken für die Psychotherapie
Je eindrücklicher ein neuer Gedanke vermittelt wird, umso besser ist seine Verankerung beim Empfänger – das gilt für das Lernen genauso wie für die Psychotherapie. Danie Beaulieu setzt deshalb darauf …