This volume presents eco-phenomenology’s role in pandemics and post-pandemics and takes up the task of eco-phenomenology as a unified project by not focusing on naturalizing phenomenology but rather exploring the full range of possibilities – such as creative acts and self-individualization – in dealing with ecological threats. Eco-phenomenological developments are based on the main concepts of “phenomenology of life”, as created by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. This volume also uniquely explores the Covid-19 pandemic as a phenomenologically interpreted and ecological phenomenon. It appeals to students and researchers working in the fields of phenomenology and environmental philosophy.
The Importance of Eco-phenomenology in the Understanding of the Pandemic Crisis – New Turns and Concepts.- The Harmony between Human and Cosmos as a Problem of Sense (with a Warning against Misinterpretations of Pandemic).- People on E(e)arth: Eco-phenomenological Turns in the Understanding of Life and Human Life in the Contemporary Situation.- Edmund Husserl on the Conscious and Unconscious Aspects of Immanent Life.- Tymieniecka’s Philosophy of the Logos of Life: the Story of the Totality.- Eco-Phenomenology as a Philosophy of Creativity and the Problem of Unity of Consciousness.- The Evolution and Development of Eco-phenomenology as an Interpretative Paradigm of the Living World of Ben Okri’s A Broken Song: ‘The Wailing of our Skies’ – an Eco-phenomenological Appreciation.- Psychic Involvements and Spiritual Reactions in the Time of the Pandemic: Between Philosophy and Psychopathology.- To be ‘alone together’ – the Value of an Eco-phenomenological Approach towards Mental Health during the Pandemic.- Returning Home.- The Body as an Ontopoietic Ecosystem that Somatizes Otherness.- Toward a Taxonomy of Uncanny Objects: A Phenomenological Approach.- The Phenomenology of Forms of Dwellings: the Self, Others and the Uncanny.- The Phenomenology of the Coronavirus and the Uncanny World of the Pandemic.- Eco-phenomenology of Ambient Urbanism, Earth and Sky (along the Aesthetic Lane).- The Dialectics of Openness and Closedness during the Quarantine: Heideggerian Meditations.- Eco-phenomenological Interpretation of Autonomous Being at the Time of Pandemic.- Keep Your Distance! – Personal Space in the Pandemic Viewed through Husserl’s Monophony and Deleuze and Guattari’s Polyphony.- Together and Apart: Variations on the Husserl’s Fifth Cartesian Meditation in the Coronavirus Pandemic.- Varieties of Distancing Experience.- The Human Condition of Terror: Radiation, Terrorism, Viruses.
Über den Autor
Daniela Verducci, Dr. of Philosophy, Associated Professor of Moral Philosophy, retired since November 2018. Currently, holder of a teaching contract at the University of Macerata (Italy). Co-President of The World Phenomenology Institute (European Division) and Co-editor in Chief of both the Springer series, ANHU and IPOP. Member of the Max-Scheler-Gesellschaft.
Maija Kūle, Dr. habil. phil., Professor, Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia, full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 15 years elected member of FISP CD; expert in science ethics at the European Commission, COST project’s expert, the highest Order of the Latvia’s state – Three Stars, commander.