Many primary school teachers find science a difficult subject to teach. Not only do teachers need to develop their own knowledge of a complex subject, they also need to know how to bring this subject to life in the primary classroom.
Science Fix is here to help!
In this practical book, author Danny Nicholson:
*Guides you through all areas of the primary science curriculum.
*Outlines the subject knowledge you need for each area, enabling you to teach with confidence.
*Includes practical advice for teaching and guidance on how to plan and deliver sequences of engaging science lessons.
*Outlines activities for teaching that promote scientific thinking and help children to work as scientists.
*Identifies common misconceptions, allowing you to anticipate them in planning.
*Asks what working scientifically is and, importantly, what it is not.
1. What is Science and why do we teach it?
2. What do we mean by Working Scientifically?
3. Science Teaching in Schools Today
4. Plants
5. Living Things and Habitats
6. Animals Including Humans
7. Evolution and Inheritance
8. Materials and Their Properties
9. Forces
10. The Earth and Space
11. Electricity
12. Light and Sound
13. Planning for Science
14. Talk in the Classroom
15. Science and Computing
16. Preparing Scientists of the Future
17. Health and Safety
Über den Autor
Danny Nicholson has been an educator for 25 years and involved in Initial Teacher Education for 15 years, working as a science and computing lecturer for three local SCITT institutions. Danny delivers science CPD on behalf of STEM learning in a freelance capacity, as well as go into schools directly.