From the Author’s Foreword of
If you or someone you love has heard the words ‚I have some bad news‘ from a medical professional, I wrote this book for you. I did not write this book to celebrate diseases, medicine, or doctors. This book is a celebration of life. A well-lived life is lived in the moment, enjoying the abundance God offers us…We call those things diseases that threaten the quality and length of our lives…My goal is to help you reduce the impact of diseases and outlive every prognosis.
Author’s Foreword vii
I Have Some Bad News 1
A Father’s Faith 4
Hospitals and Doctors 14
Agreeing Together 21
The Church Reaches Out 28
Night Terrors 35
The Waiting Room 39
Our Lowest Point 46
The Prayer of Faith 59
A Divine Appointment 66
Life’s Journey Extended77
All Done! 90
Author’s Afterword 95
‚Outlive Every Prognosis provides a profoundly hope-filled, pain-laden journey of love, loss, and life. Balancing his personal story, reflections on scripture, and the narrative of loss, Dave connects with all who have received an undesirable prognosis with hope-filled reassurance of God’s goodness.‘
Pastor James Yutzy
The Meeting House