‚Pulls many areas of gifted research, knowledge, and applications together in a clear and concise manner. This is a one-stop book for teachers who have high-ability/gifted students in a classroom and need to understand how these students′ brains work and how to plan effective instruction.‘
—Mary Beth Cary, Teacher
Worth County Primary School, Sylvester GA
Identify, understand, and engage the full range of gifted learners with practical, brain-compatible classroom strategies!
What does it mean to be gifted and talented? The second edition of David Sousa′s best-selling How the Gifted Brain Learns helps bring clarity to this topic, leveraging the latest neuroscientific findings to separate fact from fiction and provide teachers with practical strategies for engaging artistically and intellectually advanced learners.
This reader-friendly guide gives elementary and secondary teachers the help they need to not only recognize and challenge their gifted learners, but also to support gifted students who underachieve. Acknowledging that students are often gifted in specific subject areas, the text includes chapters dedicated to talents in language, math, and the arts. Special ‚From the Desk of a Teacher‘ sections offer classroom-tested examples of the instructional applications suggested by research. In addition to featuring new research and expanded curriculum ideas, this second edition helps answer questions about:
- How the brains of gifted students are different
- How to gauge if gifted students are being adequately challenged
- How to identify students who are both gifted and learning disabled
- How improving programs for the gifted and talented benefits other students
- How to better identify gifted minority students, who are often underrepresented in gifted programs
This resource is a one-stop shop of brain-compatible strategies for teaching the full range of gifted students!
About the Author
Preface to the Second Edition
What Do We Mean by Gifted and Talented?
Gifted and Talented Programs in Today′s Schools
About This Book
1. What Is a Gifted Brain?
Understanding Intelligence
Theories of Intelligence and Giftedness
Characteristics of Giftedness
Social and Emotional Characteristics of Giftedness
Impact of Praise on Gifted Students
2. Challenging the Gifted Brain
Differentiated Curriculum and Instruction
A Supportive Learning Environment
Curriculum Content Initiatives for Gifted Learners
Instructional Processes for Gifted Learners
The Products of Gifted Learners
Gifted Visual-Spatial Learners
Avoiding the Pitfall of Academics Versus the Arts
3. Underachieving Gifted Students
What Is Underachievement?
Some Causes of Underachievement
Identifying Gifted Underachievers
Underachievement Among Gifted Minority Students
Reversing Patterns of Underachievement
4. The Twice-Exceptional Brain
Identifying Twice-Exceptional Students
Giftedness and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Giftedness and Autism
5. Language Talent
Sources of Language Ability
Identifying Students Gifted in Language Arts
Developing Language Ability
6. Mathematical Talent
Number Sense Is an Innate Capability
Mathematical Thinking and the Brain
Identifying the Mathematically Gifted
Teaching the Mathematically Gifted
7. Artistic Talent
The Arts for All Students
Musical Talent
Reading and Memorizing Music
Developing Musically Talented Students
Dance Talent
Theatrical Talent
Visual Art Talent
8. Putting It All Together
Identifying Gifted Students
Developing the Learning Environment
Strategies for the Gifted in the Inclusive Classroom
Where Do We Go From Here?
Über den Autor
DR. David A. Sousa is an international consultant in educational neuroscience and author of more than twenty books that suggest ways educators and parents can translate current brain research into strategies for improving learning. A member of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, he has conducted workshops in hundreds of school districts on brain research, instructional skills, and science education at the pre K–12 and university levels. He has made presentations to more than two hundred thousand educators at national conventions of educational organizations and to regional and local school districts across the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. Dr. Sousa has a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, a master of arts in teaching degree in science from Harvard University, and a doctorate from Rutgers University. His teaching experience covers all levels. He has taught senior high school science and served as a K–12 director of science, supervisor of instruction, and district superintendent in New Jersey schools. He was an adjunct professor of education at Seton Hall University for ten years and a visiting lecturer at Rutgers University. Prior to his career in New Jersey, Dr. Sousa taught at the American School of Paris (France) and served for five years as a foreign service officer and science advisor at the US diplomatic missions in Geneva (Switzerland) and Vienna (Austria). Dr. Sousa has edited science books and published dozens of articles in leading journals on professional development, science education, and educational research. His most popular books for educators include How the Brain Learns, now in its sixth edition; How the Special Needs Brain Learns, second edition; How the Gifted Brain Learns; How the Brain Learns to Read, second edition; How the Brain Influences Behavior; How the ELL Brain Learns; Differentiation and the Brain, second edition (with Carol Tomlinson); and How the Brain Learns Mathematics, second edition, which was selected by the Independent Book Publishers Association as one of the best professional development books. The Leadership Brain suggests ways for educators to lead today’s schools more effectively. Dr. Sousa’s books have been published in French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Russian, and several other languages. His book Brainwork: The Neuroscience Behind How We Lead Others is written for business and organizational leaders. Dr. Sousa is past president of the National Staff Development Council (now called Learning Forward). He has received numerous awards from professional associations, school districts, and educational foundations for his commitment to research, staff development, and science education. He received the Distinguished Alumni Award and an honorary doctorate from Bridgewater State University and an honorary doctorate in humane letters from Gratz College in Philadelphia. Dr. Sousa has been interviewed on the NBC Today show, by other television programs, and by National Public Radio about his work with schools using brain research. He makes his home in south Florida.