Beyond Technology offers a challenging new analysis of
learning, young people and digital media. Disputing both utopian
fantasies about the transformation of education and exaggerated
fears about the corruption of childhood innocence, it offers a
level-headed analysis of the impact of these new media on learning,
drawing on a wide range of critical research.
Buckingham argues that there is now a growing divide between the
media-rich world of childrens lives outside school and their
experiences of technology in the classroom. Bridging this divide,
he suggests, will require more than superficial attempts to import
technology into schools, or to combine education with digital
entertainment. While debunking such fantasies of technological
change, Buckingham also provides a constructive alternative,
arguing that young people need to be equipped with a new form of
digital literacy that is both critical and creative.
Beyond Technology will be essential reading for all
students of the media or education, as well as for teachers and
other education professionals.
Preface vi
Acknowledgements x
1 Selling Technology Solutions 1
The Marketing of Educational Technology
2 Making Technology Policy 14
ICTs and the New Discourses of Learning
3 Techno-Topias 31
Constructing Childhood, Learning and Technology
4 Waiting for the Revolution 50
The Unfulfilled Promise of Technological Change
5 Digital Childhoods? 75
New Media and Children’s Culture
6 Playing to Learn? 99
Rethinking the Educational Potential of Computer Games
7 That’s Edutainment 119
Digital Media and Learning in the Home
8 Digital Media Literacies 143
An Alternative Approach to Technology in Education
9 School’s Out? 176
The Future of Schooling in the Age of Digital Media
Notes 184
References 186
Index 205
Über den Autor
David Buckingham is Professor of Education at the Institute of Education, London University where he directs the Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media.