Dr. theol. Magne Sæbø ist em. Professor für Altes Testament an der Gemeindefakultät in Oslo und ehemaliger Präsident der International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament (1995–1998).
23 Ebooks von David J. A. Clines
David J. A. Clines: Job 38-42, Volume 18B
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thoroug …
David J. A. Clines: Job 21-37, Volume 18A
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thoroug …
David J. A. Clines: Job 1-20, Volume 17
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thoroug …
Magne Sæbø: Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. III: From Modernism to Post-Modernism
The long and complex history of reception and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament through the ages, described in the HBOT Project, focuses in this concluding volume III, Part 2 on the …
Clines David J. A. Clines & Apostolos-Cappadona Diane Apostolos-Cappadona: Biblical Reception, 5
In this guest-edited issue of Biblical Reception, edited by Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, contributors examine the reception of the bible in art. Most of the contributions focus on biblical women, or on …
David J. A. Clines & A. R. Pete Diamond: Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible: Jeremiah and Lamentations
This extract from the Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible provides Diamond and Clines' introduction to and concise commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations. The Eerdmans Commentary on the B …
Mark Daniel Carroll R. & David J. A. Clines: The Bible in Human Society
This collection of essays written by biblical scholars from around the world attempts to probe the relationship between the Bible and the world. It reflects modern social, political and hermeneutical …
David J. A. Clines & Heather A. McKay: Of Prophets“ Visions and the Wisdom of Sages
Old Testament prophecy and wisdom are two of the main themes with which Norman Whybray, formerly of the University of Hull, has concerned himself in his highly productive and innovative scholarly car …
David J. A. Clines: Esther Scroll
The book of Esther emerges from complex origins. According to David J. A. Clines, the story combines elements from numerous literary, textual, and storytelling traditions. Through the telling and ret …
David J. A. Clines & John F. A. Sawyer: Midian, Moab and Edom
Specialists from different fields converge on one relatively circumscribed and, until recently, largely neglected area of biblical archaeology. The eleven papers comprise archaeological reports from …
David J. A. Clines: On the Way to the Postmodern
For these volumes, the author has selected 50 articles and papers, ten of them not previously published, from his work as an Old Testament scholar over the last 30 years. Some of the papers, like “T …
David J. A. Clines & Professor Stephen D. Moore: Auguries
For this volume, sequel to The Bible in Three Dimensions, the seven full-time members of the research and teaching faculty in Biblical Studies at Sheffield-Loveday Alexander, David Clines, Meg Davies …
David J. A. Clines & Professor Philip R. Davies: Among the Prophets
Prophetic symbolism is one of the key topics of this volume. On Isaiah, John F.A. Sawyer finds radical images of Yahweh, Kenneth T. Aitken looks at the metamorphosis of the key motif of hearing, seei …
David J. A. Clines: On the Way to the Postmodern
For these two volumes, the author has selected 50 articles and papers, ten of them not previously published, from his work as an Old Testament scholar over the last 30 years. Some of the papers, like …
David J. A. Clines & Dr. David M. Gunn: Art and Meaning
Biblical authors were artists of language who created their meaning through their verbal artistry, their rhetoric. These twelve essays see meaning as ultimately inseparable from art and seek to under …
David J. A. Clines: Theme of the Pentateuch
This popular textbook regards the Pentateuch as a literary whole, with a single theme that binds it together. The overarching theme is the partial fulfilment of the promises to the patriarchs. Though …
David J. A. Clines & Tamara C. Eskenazi: Telling Queen Michal“s Story
This book, an anthology of previously published writing about Michal together with some new and original essays, is something of an experiment. Its purpose is to provide reders with raw materials for …
David J. A. Clines & Professor Philip R. Davies: The World of Genesis
Although it opens with an argument that the earth, and not humanity, is the real subject of Genesis 1-11, this collection of essays focuses first on female personalities in Genesis (Eve, Hagar, Rebec …
David J. A. Clines & Professor J. Cheryl Exum: The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible
The purpose of this original volume is to illustrate what has been happening recently in Hebrew Bible studies under the influence of developments in literary theory in the last couple of decades. The …
David J. A. Clines: What Does Eve Do To Help?
Readerly questions are raised when readers are explicitly and programmatically brought into the process of interpreting texts. Traditionally, the reader and readerly interest and identities have been …
David J. A. Clines & Stephen E. Fowl: The Bible in Three Dimensions
“Forty years of Biblical Studies at Sheffield provide cause for celebration and this book is an excellent expression of it … There is a good balance between Old Testament and New Testament … The …
David J. A. Clines: Interested Parties
One of the more creative Old Testament scholars of our time, David Clines offers an enjoyable and provocative set of studies on ideology. The title of a keynote essay, “Why is There a Song of Songs, …
Emerita Professor Diane Apostolos-Cappadona & David J. A. Clines: Biblical Reception, 5
In this guest-edited issue of Biblical Reception, edited by Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, contributors examine the reception of the bible in art. Most of the contributions focus on biblical women, or on …