This book seeks to awaken in you the first spark of understanding that Crystals are more than mere ‘rocks’, that first spark of interest in learning MORE about Crystals and Gemstones, and through your association with them, more about YOURSELF !! WELCOME TO THE BEAUTIFUL WORLD OF CRYSTALS AND GEMSTONES.
Über den Autor
ADAMS, David John Patrick
Born: 28th April 1943
At: Mountain Ash, Glamorgan, South Wales, UK.
Lived 3 years in Karachi, Pakistan, and 2 years in Egypt, before moving to South Australia in 1971.
Currently living in the southern suburbs of the city of Adelaide.
Came to his path of awakening in late 1987, quite probably as a result of the energy of the Harmonic Convergence in August of that year.
Was quickly introduced to the beautiful world of Crystals, and joined a group called Crystal Consciousness – which shortly thereafter became “Earth Mother” – under the leadership of Heather Niland.
In 1991, he was asked by Beloved Master Germain to undertake a global Meditation based on, and working with, the Consciousness of the Oceans, to be called the Marine Meditation. This was to be held at 8pm on each Equinox wherever people were in the world. The Marine Meditation was held each Equinox from March 1991 to September 2012 – some 44 Meditations in all,
He continues to work both with Crystals and the Oceans. He attended a gathering of Masters in new Zealand in 1996, a healing Summit in Glastonbury, UK in 1998 and a healing Summit in Sth Molle, Queensland in 2000. In 2009 he was asked to address a Peace Conference in Istanbul to speak of the Marine Meditation and his work for World Peace through meditation.
He is a songwriter, a musician, a writer of Musical Theatre productions and Author of the book “The Earthmother book of Energy based Healing” – now out of print – but more important, a SERVANT OF PEACE.
David began bringing through information from a variety of Masters and Cosmic Beings in the form of Meditations around 1991, particularly a series of Meditations from the Spirit of Crystals and Gemstones. It was not, however, until after the year 2000 that he began to channel messages in group situations and in individual sessions. Most of these messages were not recorded or transcribed so remain shared with only a few people, but in 2009 the messages being brought through in the weekly Pendragon Meditation group began to be recorded and transcribed by Kath Smith and sent out around the world on David’s own Pendragon network. The disseminating of the audio versions of these messages did not begin until 2012.
David’s special Guide and Mentor has been ‘The Germain, the I am that I am’, but he has also worked extensively with – and channeled – Hilarion, Djwahl Khul, AA Michael, The Merlin, The Masters of Shambhala, as well as Arcturian Sound Master Tarak and his own Home Trinity Cosmic Brother Ar’Ak.
Contact email – [email protected])