Dave W. Mercer has 15 years“ experience in industrial
and process engineering, and systems analysis, and is CTO for a
B2B, responsible for the development and deployment of online
automated business services. His entire site hosting server, and
the applications he builds for hosted clients are programmed in PHP
using Postgres or My SQL as the database.
Allan Kent is a PHP programmer who runs his own company
and is a co-author of Beginning PHP 4. Alan has been
programming seriously for the past dozen years and, other than the
single blemish when he achieved a diploma in Cobol programming is
entirely self-taught.
Steven D. Nowicki is Director of Software development at
The Content Project, a Santa Monica, California-based consulting
firm currently developing a massive enterprise resource planning
and contact management system comprising more than 300, 000 lines of
OOPHP code. He has a decade of experience in large-scale software
development and system architecture on all major platforms.
David Mercer is a PHP programmer and contributed to
Beginning PHP 4. He has a keen interest in all things open
source ever since he managed to put together a working Beowulf
cluster by nicking old computer parts from colleagues and
assembling them under his desk. He has worked on Wrox open source
titles about PHP, Perl, and Linux.
Dan Squier is a longtime contributor to the Wrox
community and a PHP Programmer.
Wankyu Choi is an accomplished PHP programmer and lead
author of Beginning PHP 4. He holds a Master“s degree
in English/Korean interpretation and translation form the Graduate
School of Translation & Interpretation.
Heow Eide-Goodman is a member of NYPHP and Lisp NYC who
uses PHP in his day job to do Web sites, services, and back-office
transformations among SQL Server, Interbase/Firebird, and
Edward Lecky-Thompson is the founder and director of
Ashridge New Media, a professional new media technology consultancy
based in Berkhamsted, just north of London, England. Self-described
as „utterly obsessed with PHP, “ Ed has more than six
years“ experience in commercial software development and
enterprise-level systems architecture across myriad platforms, with
particularly strong exposure to PHP and Apache on Linux-based
Clark Morgan is an experienced programmer who creates and
administers databases with Web sites using PHP and My SQL for Fusion
Computing and Media.
12 Ebooks von David Mercer
Dave W. Mercer & Allan Kent: Beginning PHP5
What is this book about? Beginning PHP5 is a complete tutorial in PHP5’s language features and functionality, beginning with the basics and building up to the design and construction of complex data- …
David Mercer: Schaum’s Easy Outline of HTML
What could be better than the bestselling Schaum’s Outline series? For students looking for a quick nuts-and-bolts overview, it would have to be Schaum’s Easy Outline series. Every book in this serie …
Darren Hill & David Mercer: Exploring and Locating Social Work
This engaging and accessible introduction to social work encourages reflective learning in preparation for practice. Direct linking of key concepts to professional standards ensures that students are …
Mercer David Mercer: Building Online Stores with osCommerce: Beginner Edition
This book is written for: first time users of os Commerce, current os Commerce who would like to further customize their websites, anyone who would like to quickly build a website for their online bu …
Mercer David: Drupal 7
In Detail Drupal is an elegantly designed, well-supported and flexible open-source CMS platform that anyone can use in order to create their own website. What’s more, the latest version of Drupal 7 i …
Mercer David Mercer: Internet Marketing with WordPress
The book’s accompanying Interactive learning environment on siteprebuilder.com gives you an online place to enhance and extend your practical experience through exercises, consolidate your learning a …
David Mercer: Kierkegaard’s Livingroom
He shows us that Kierkegaard’s expressed intent is to provide readers with the opportunity to choose or reject Christ. He explores the question of who Kierkegaard understands Jesus to be and why he b …
Mercer David Mercer: Mercer Plays: 1
The first volume of stage and TV plays by one of the best British TV writers Where the Difference Begins, a naturalist play for television, is about the "difference" between thirties depriv …
Mercer David Mercer: Mercer Plays: 2
The first volume of stage and TV plays by one of the best British TV writers Flint premiered just before the 1970 General Election which was to replace the Labour Government of Harold Wilson. It is d …
Mercer David Mercer: Mercer Plays: 1
The first volume of stage and TV plays by one of the best British TV writers Where the Difference Begins, a naturalist play for television, is about the "difference" between thirties depriv …
Mercer David Mercer: Mercer Plays: 2
The first volume of stage and TV plays by one of the best British TV writers Flint premiered just before the 1970 General Election which was to replace the Labour Government of Harold Wilson. It is d …
Darren Hill & David Mercer: Exploring and Locating Social Work
This engaging and accessible introduction to social work encourages reflective learning in preparation for practice. Direct linking of key concepts to professional standards ensures that students are …