Deborah L. Floyd, Rivka A. Felsher, Angela M. Garcia Falconetti
1. Applied and Workforce Baccalaureate Models 5
Deborah L. Floyd, Angela M. Ga...
Deborah L. Floyd, Rivka A. Felsher, Angela M. Garcia Falconetti
1. Applied and Workforce Baccalaureate Models 5
Deborah L. Floyd, Angela M. Garcia Falconetti, Rivka A.Felsher
This chapter presents models and terminology defi ning appliedand workforce baccalaureates.
2. Articulation to and from the Applied Associate Degree:Challenges and Opportunities 13
Jan M. Ignash
This chapter identifies the opportunities and challengespresented in articulating associate degree programs with appliedand workforce baccalaureates.
3. Washington State’s Model and Programs: Applied Baccalaureate Degrees at Community and Technical Colleges 25
Christy England-Siegerdt, Michelle Andreas
This chapter describes the development and current status ofapplied baccalaureate degrees in the state of Washington.
4. The Evolution of Workforce Baccalaureate Degrees in Florida35
Judith Bilsky, Ian Neuhard, Mary G. Locke
This chapter highlights the history of workforce baccalaureatedegrees in Florida, documents the growth of these programs acrossthe state, and provides a framework for the designation of variousdegree types and academic requirements.
5. The Applied and Workforce Baccalaureate at South Texas College: Specialized Workforce Development Addressing Economic Development 47
Juan E. Mejia
The impact of two bachelor of applied technology degrees of South Texas College on higher education access for predominately Hispanic students serves as an example of how such degrees increaseparticipation rates for minority students.
6. The Work Experience Component of an Ontario College Baccalaureate Program 57
Marguerite M. Donohue, Michael L. Skolnik
This chapter describes the results of case study research on thetransfer of learning from the classroom to the cooperativeeducation workplace and includes recommendations for curriculumchanges to improve the transfer of learning.
7. Why Applied Baccalaureates Appeal to Working Adults: From National Results to Promising Practices 73
Debra Bragg, Collin Ruud
This chapter presents lessons learned from a national study ofadult learner enrollment in applied baccalaureate programs.
8. Institutional Challenges of Applied and Workforce Baccalaureate Programs 87
Richard L. Wagoner, Carlos Ayon
This chapter presents some of the challenges to the mission ofthe community college that critics of the applied and workforcebaccalaureates assert.
9. Graduate Education Issues and Challenges: Community College Applied and Workforce Baccalaureates 95
Deborah L. Floyd, Rivka A. Felsher, Linda Catullo
This chapter discusses the articulation of community collegeapplied and workforce baccalaureates to graduate education.