Leonard Brody is currently CEO of Ipreo, a new private
equity research firm which assists the financial community in
determining the success of private offerings. Previously, Leonard
was Vice President of Corporate Development at Onvia.com (Canada“s
largest dot.com IPO) and jointly oversaw its Canadian operations.
Leonard is also a member of the Board of Directors of the
Information Technology Association of Canada and the Canadian
E-Business Opportunities Roundtable.
Wendy Cukier is a professor of Information Technology
Management in emerging technology trends and strategies at Ryerson
University. Professor Cukier has presented and published over 100
papers and articles and is a regular contributor to the Globe and
Mail“s „Report on Business.“
Ken Grant is the director of the new School of Information
Technology at Ryerson University, where he is responsible for the
establishment and supervision of the School“s administrative and
academic operations. Prior to becoming part of the Ryerson
community, Ken spent over 20 years in high-tech management
consulting at KPMG and as a VP with A.T. Kearney.
Matthew Holland is a VP of The Boston Consulting Group and
manages the Canadian practice. Matt has helped many major
multinationals channel innovation into sustainable new businesses.
Matt was the captain of the International Branding Team for the
Canadian E-Business Opportunities Roundtable.
Catherine Middleton is Co-ordinator of the e-Business Minor
within the Faculty of Business at Ryerson and an Assistant
Professor in Ryerson“s School of Information Management.
Denise Shortt is a Harvard-educated writer and consultant.
She recently joined the faculty at Ryerson University“s School of
Information Technology Management as a Research Associate.
1 Ebooks von Denise Shortt
Leonard Brody & Wendy Cukier: Innovation Nation
From developing Java and the Blackberry to defining the specifications for XML, Canadians have blazed trails in the world’s most innovative companies. Canadians have also risen to the top of the larg …