Both timely and topical, this book examines the most important aspects of the relationship between alcohol consumption and health. Drawing together much new and exciting work in this area, it reviews this emotive subject from a dispassionate perspective. It will provide a firm base for further research into the effects of alcohol on the cardiovascular system, and into public health attitudes to what is both a universal pleasure and problem.
Chairman’s Introduction (T. Peters).
Alcohol and Cardiovascular Diseases: An Historic Overview (A.
Metabolic Consequences of Alcohol Ingestion (T. Peters & V.
Alcohol and the Myocardium (P. Richardson, et al.).
Alcohol, Free Radicals and Antioxidants (I. Puddey, et
Alcohol, Cardiac Arrhythmias and Sudden Death (M. Kupari &
P. Koskinen).
Alcohol Intake, Lipids and Risks of Myocardial Infarction (J.
Gaziano & J. Buring).
Alcohol, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis (H. Hendriks & M. van
der Gaag).
Alcohol, Blood Pressure and Hypertension (U. Keil, et
Do Known Cardiovascular Risk Factors Mediate the Effect of
Alcohol on Cardiovascular Disease? (M. Criqui).
The J-Shaped Curve and Changes in Drinking Habit (A. Shaper
& S. Wannamethee).
Mechanisms of Alcohol-Related Strokes (M. Hillbom, et
The French Paradox and Wine Drinking (S. Renaud & R.
Alcohol and All-Cause Mortality: An Overview (J. Rehm & S.
Alcohol, Cardiovascular Diseases and Public Health Policy (P.
Chairman’s Summing-Up (T. Peters).
Über den Autor
Derek J. Chadwick and Jamie A. Goode are editors for Alcohol and Cardiovascular Disease and other scientific titles.