Guillermo López-García is Full Professor of Journalism at the University of Valencia. His research focuses on political and online communication.
Dolors Palau-Sampio is Senior Lecturer of Journalism at the University of Valencia. Her research focuses on narrative journalism, fact-checking, quality journalism, and accountability.
Bella Palomo is Full Professor of Journalism at the University of Malaga. She specializes in digital journalism, active audiences, social media, journalistic routines, and editorial design.
Eva Campos-Domínguez is Senior Lecturer of Journalism at the University of Valladolid. Her research focuses on political and online communication.
Pere Masip was Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Communication at Blanquerna at the Universitat Ramon Llull in Barcelona. He also lead the research group Digilab.
5 Ebooks von Dolors Palau Sampío
Germán Llorca Abad & Mar Iglesias García: La comunicación digital
Las tecnologías digitales han cambiado radicalmente nuestro modo de entender el fenómeno de la comunicación. Éste ha devenido un objeto de estudio escurridizo que aún plantea más preguntas que respue …
Guillermo Lopez-Garcia & Dolors Palau-Sampio: Politics of Disinformation
POLITICS OF DISINFORMATION Discover a comprehensive exploration of the underlying theories of disinformation, and their impact, from leading voices in the field Politics of Disinformation delivers a …
Guillermo Lopez-Garcia & Dolors Palau-Sampio: Politics of Disinformation
POLITICS OF DISINFORMATION Discover a comprehensive exploration of the underlying theories of disinformation, and their impact, from leading voices in the field Politics of Disinformation delivers a …
AAVV: La calidad periodística
Los trabajos que componen este volumen estudian la «calidad periodística» no circunscrita exclusivamente a la «calidad informativa», ya que abordan tanto el producto como todo el proceso de la produc …
AAVV: Comunicar i marcar la diferència
El mercat condemna les dones periodistes, una de les professions més feminitzades, a pitjors condicions de treball i més dificultats de progressió professional que els seus companys d’ofici. A partir …