A widow of the war with Quarlon, Wanildra Offley attempts a good deed by pushing a stranded sea creature back into the water. She is shocked to find not a sea creature, but a young girl thrashing about on the beach. Other than a blue pendent around her neck, she is completely naked. After a month-long search, no family is found that reports a missing daughter. Eight-year-old Linada is awarded to Wanildra to raise with her other two children, twelve-year-old Kelwin and four-year-old Karci.
Fast forward four years. At the Fall Harvest Festival, a stranger who offers to help the family turns out to be Gryndahl, the Master Wizard of Quarlon. He has been sent to exact revenge on the Offley family because their father had killed the king of Quarlons only son in battle. When the children find their mother encased in a block of ice from a spell cast on her by Gryndahl, they flee the cottage. Linada bravely leads her siblings into the Kyrene Forest to escape. With her strong faith in God, a heavy dose of courage, and help from four very unusual new friends, she may be able to return and rescue her motherbut it could cost her everything, even her very life.
Über den Autor
Donald Berger holds a BS in management from Arizona State University and an MDIV from Bethel Theological Seminary. Raised in a nominal Jewish family that never attended synagogue, he grew up in a spiritual vacuum. He found Christ when he and his older brother, Norton, visited Los Angeles to work for a summer. One Sunday they visited the Church of the Open Door. Dr. J. Vernon Mc Gee was the pastor. Mr. Berger responded to an invitation to receive Christ. Donald Berger has served as a pastor and missionary for more than twenty years. From his youth he has been an avid reader of science fiction and fantasy and now hopes to impact youth with the message of God’s love through his YA fantasy trilogy, the Pandor Chronicles.