In the past few decades, the increasingly routine use of advanced
structural probes for studying the structure and dynamics of the
solid state has led to some dramatic developments in the field of
porous solids. These materials are fundamental in a diverse range
of applications, such as shape-selective catalysts for
energy-efficient organic transformations, new media for pollutant
removal, and gas storage materials for energy technologies.
Porosity in inorganic materials may range from the nano-scale to
the macro-scale, and the drive towards particular properties
remains the goal in this fast-developing area of research. Covering
some of the key families of inorganic solids that are currently
being studied, Porous Materials discusses:
* Metal Organic Frameworks Materials
* Mesoporous Silicates
* Ordered Porous Crystalline Transition Metal Oxides
* Recent Developments in Templated Porous Carbon Materials
* Synthetic Silicate Zeolites: Diverse Materials Accessible
Through Geoinspiration
Additional volumes in the Inorganic Materials Series:
Low-Dimensional Solids | Molecular Materials | Functional Oxides
| Energy Materials
Inorganic Materials Series Preface
List of Contributors
1 Metal Organic Frameworks Materials
Cameron J. Kepert
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Porosity
1.3 Incorporation of other Properties
1.4 Concluding Remarks
2 Mesoporous Silicates
Karen J. Edler
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Nomenclature
2.3 Methods of Preparation
2.4 Surfactant Aggregation
2.5 Silica Source
2.6 Template Removal
2.7 Synthetic Routes and Formation Mechanisms
2.8 True Liquid Crystal Templating
3 Ordered Porous Crystallin e Transition Metal Oxides
Wataru Ueda and Masahiro Sadakane
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scope and limitations of this review
3.3 Microporous Transition-Metal Oxide Materials
3.4 Mesoporous Transition-Metal Oxide Materials
3.5 Macroporous materials
3.6 Conclusion
4 Templated Porous Carbon Materials: Recent Developments
Yongde Xia, Zhuxian Yang and Robert Mokaya
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Microporous carbon materials
4.3 Mesoporous carbon materials
4.4 Macroporous carbon materials
5 Synthetic Silicate Zeolites: Diverse Materials Accessible Through Geoinspiration
Miguel Camblor and Suk Bong Hong
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Zeolites: Some Definitions
5.3 Zeolite Structures
5.4 Chemical Composition of Silicate Zeolites
5.5 Zeolite Properties
5.6 Zeolite Applications
5.7 Zeolite Synthesis
5.8 Concluding remarks
Über den Autor
PROFESSOR DUNCAN BRUCE graduated from the University of
Liverpool (UK), where he also gained his Ph D. In 1984, he took up a
Temporary Lectureship in Inorganic Chemistry at the University of
Sheffield and was awarded a Royal Society Warren Research
Fellowship. He was then appointed Lecturer in Chemistry and was
promoted Senior Lecturer in 1994, in which year he became
co-director of the Sheffield Centre for Molecular Materials. In
1995, he was appointed Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the
University of Exeter. Following the closure of Exeter’s chemistry
department in 2005, Professor Bruce took up his present position as
Professor of Materials Chemistry in York. He is currently Chair of
the Royal Society of Chemistry Materials Chemistry Forum. His
current research interests include liquid crystals and
nanoparticle-doped, nanostructured, mesoporous silicates. His work
has been recognized by various awards including the British Liquid
Crystal Society’s first Young Scientist prize and the RSC’s Sir
Edward Frankland Fellowship and Corday-Morgan Medal and Prize. He
has held visiting positions in Australia, France, Japan and Italy.
DR. RICHARD WALTON, who was also formerly based in the
Department of Chemistry at the University of Exeter, now works in
the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick. His
research group works in the area of solid-state materials chemistry
and has a number of projects focusing upon the synthesis,
structural characterization and properties of inorganic
DERMOT O’HARE is Professor in the Chemistry Research
Laboratory at the University of Oxford. is research group has a
wide range of research interests. They all involve synthetic
chemistry ranging from organometallic chemistry to the synthesis of
new microporous solids. Duncan Bruce and Dermot O’Hare have edited
several editions of Inorganic Materials published by John
Wiley & Sons Ltd.