Preface.- Biography Pericles S. Theocaris.- Contents.- Contributors.- Part I Mathematical Methods in Applied Mechanics.- Application of Reciprocity Relati...
Preface.- Biography Pericles S. Theocaris.- Contents.- Contributors.- Part I Mathematical Methods in Applied Mechanics.- Application of Reciprocity Relations to Laser-Based Ultrasonics , by J. D. Achenbach.- An Asymptotic Method of Boundary-Value Problems Solution of Elasticity Theory for Thin Bodies, by L.A. Aghalovyan.- Reliable Optimal Design in Contact Mechanics, by N.V. Banichuk, S.Yu. Ivanova and E.V. Makeev.- Scaling of Strength and Lifetime Distributions of Quasibrittle Structures, by Z. P. Bažant and J.-L. Le.- Directional Distortional Hardening in Plasticity Within Thermodynamics, by Y.F. Dafalias and H.P. Feigenbaum .- Forced Vibrations of the System: Structure – Viscoelastic Layer, by B. V. Gusev and A. S. Faivusovich.- Extreme Instability Phenomena in Autonomous Weakly Damped Systems: Hopf Bifurcations, Double Pure Imaginary Eigenvalues, Load Discontinuity (plenary lecture), by A.N. Kounadis.- Variational Approach to Static and Dynamic Elasticity Problems, by G.V. Kostin and V.V. Saurin , by An Accelerated Newmark Scheme for Solving the Equation of Motion in the Time Domain of Systems Comprising Dampers Governed by Fractional Derivatives, by Pol. D. Spanos and G.I. Evangelatos.- Part II Experimental Mechanics.- Photoelastic Tomography as Hybrid Mechanics, by H. Aben, L. Ainola and A. Errapart.- Using of the Electronic Speckle Interferometry for Measuring Stress-Deformation State of Elastic Bodies and Structures, by R.V. Goldstein, V.M. Kozintsev and A.L. Popov.- Structural Integrity and Residual Strength of Composites Exposed to Fire, by G.A. Kardomateas .- Theory and Application of Sampling Moire Metho, by Y. Morimoto and M. Fujigaki.- Recent Advances in Microelectromechanical Systems and their Applications for Future Challenges, by R. J. Pryputniewicz.- Experimental Mechanics in Nano-Engineering, by C.A. Sciammarella, F.M. Sciammarella and L. Lambertti.- Advanced Cement Based Nanocomposites, by S.P. Shah, , M.S. Konsta-Gdoutos and Z.S. Metaxa.- Application of Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry (DSPI) in Determination of Elastic Modulus Using Plate Vibration, by Ch. Shakher and Rajesh Kumar.- The Development and Applications of Amplitude Fluctuation Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Method, by W.-C. Wang and C.-H. Hwang.- Part III Fracture Mechanics: Piezonuclear Transmutations in Brittle Rocks under Mechanical Loading: Micromechanical Analysis and Geological Confirmations, by A. Carpinteri, G. Lacidogna, A. Manuello and O. Borla.- Stress Triaxiality at Crack Tips Studied by Caustics, by E.E. Gdoutos.- Reinforcement of a Cracked Infinite Elastic Plate with Defects, by S.M. Mkhitaryan and D.I. Bardzokas.- Some Actual Problems of Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Strcuctures, by V.V. Panasyuk and I.M. Dmytrakh.- Cyclic Plasticity with an Application to Extremely Low Cycle Fatigue of Structural Steel, by D. Sumarac.- The Fracture of a Highly Filled Polymer Composites, by O.A. Stapountzi, M.N. Charalambides and J.G. Williams.- Author Index.