‚Keep your eye out for the wild man, ‚ Curlie said with a sneaky grin before we parted ways…
Memories like mountain smoke often settle deep in the soul, only rising now and again as to not be forgotten.
Wrought with mystery as old as the Great Smoky Mountains themselves this is story of a boy and his grandpa. It is a tale of vengeful neighbors, headless ghosts, and a mysterious wild man all lurking in the night where the wind still howls and the bobcat screams.
Haunting and beautiful it is also the story of a father trapped in his pain and a child in his sorrow and their courage to find the other.
Curlie and Ira Grubbs, Mr. Toadvine, Crazy Maggie, and Tall Tom, they are all here in Strayaway Child, along with my grandpa who took me in when my mama didn’t want me and I didn’t have a daddy.
It as story sweetened by time like the honey I remember from my childhood when the cool mountain air made the wood smoke rise and home was not far away.
Memories like mountain smoke often settle deep in the soul, only rising now and again as to not be forgotten.
These are my memories.
Über den Autor
Edward Reed, author of Strayaway Child, resides in rural southeastern North Carolina where he teaches high school mathematics and writes in his spare time. His other works include The Whipping Boyfriend, Badge, A Prayer for Christmas, The Sound of Heartbeats, and Joseph’s Wings and Other Little Stories.