Does God exist?
This book explores and compares the teachings of evolution by Charles Darwin (1807-1882) in “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”, to the beliefs of William Paley (1743-1805) in “Natural Theology, or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity”. It also examines if increased scientific knowledge in the last one hundred and fifty years adds credence to Darwinism and/or to intelligent design. It likewise explores whether Intelligent Design and evolution are compatible.
How can something come from nothing?
This book evaluates some problematic areas of Darwinism such as the origin of sex, conciseness, empathy, mammary glands, instincts and also the existence of irreducible complexity with the cell, walking, teeth, etc.
Is the Judaic Christian Bible factual and
is God revealed?
This book confirms the accuracy of the Bible with the discovery of the Dead-Sea-Scrolls in 1948 and God reveals himself through the fulfilment of prophecy especially concerning Jesus Christ.
Finally, what does a living God want from us?
Über den Autor
Edward Robinson
Edward is a college and university graduate, happily married with two daughters. He is a staunch defender of Christianity and appreciates a good debate on the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.