The Helot slave and the Spartan Prince shouldn’t cross paths. Yet supernaturally, Lyra and Leonid’s fates happened to become interwoven.
Lyra, the one true oracle in the temple, saw him bleeding to death in her visions. Refusing to accept this end, she tagged along on his treacherous journey to Athens. She had a simple undercover mission at the Temple of Delphi, to compete for a priestess position, but the Pythia in charge had other plans in mind— an inhumane set of trials designed for betrayals and bloodshed. The strong resistance Lyra encountered forced her to race with time. But from the start, are futures able to be rewritten?
Leonid loathed the throne of Sparta that was paved by his brothers’ assassinations. He had fought tooth and nail to consolidate his young kingship, but his revenge, however, didn’t account for her, the girl he once vowed to protect. Newfound feelings for her thus began to get in the way. As he walks a dangerous line between Athenian rivals, he must weigh her and Sparta on opposite ends of the balance. But only fate will know the ultimate price of his decision.
Über den Autor
Elaine Gao always had her nose in books until she decided to create her own voice. When she’s not slaving away with pen and paper, she plays the piano and procrastinates for her AP classes. After her debut novel, The Oracle, this high-schooler is already delving into her next book.