Elizabeth Wiley is a Native American, Native California Pomo. She was the first Native California Pomo woman to complete law school. Due to a serious illness she contracted while taking the bar exam, she spent eight years learning to walk and talk again but was expected to die. Falling back on other life experience, she began working with her younger son training show horses, then racehorses, and moved on to equine therapy for children with a variety of issues. Foster sister Linda Estrada managed Red Ball Jet for some time, and Elizabeth took pictures of them, as well as other bands, for publicity fliers and press releases. As Red Ball Jet merged with Mammoth and eventually became Van Halen, the band practiced in her garage in exchange for helping her repair a house she had bought for her two children after a divorce. The author is currently disabled, retired, and volunteers in National Homes for Heroes/Spirit Horse II, a three-tiered housing and therapy program for veterans and high-risk youth through probation and vendors from the regional center. All veterans and children are included in the programs at no charge.
ELIZABETH WILEY: Could This Be Magic
A book, very short, about my years with Van Halen practicing in my garage. …
Elizabeth Wiley: Carousel Horse
Spirit Horse II is the original of Carousel Horse. No single person is in the book. Each character is a mix of different riders, trainers, and volunteers. Some of the incidents really occurred, but a …
Elizabeth Wiley: Carousel Horse: Keiry
CAROUSEL HORSE started at an event where we met a producer who has a son who LOVED equine therapy. The Father said, write it in a screenplay. Bring it to my office. I jus …
Elizabeth Wiley: Straddling the Razor Wire Ii
Straddling the Barbed Wire, and then one day during a really heavy racial tension project decided it was more like straddling electrified razor wire to be multi racial………multi-cultural, multi-modalit …