Eric Johnson (MCITP, MCSE, MCSE+I, MCDBA, MCSD, MCTS, Network+, A+) is a cofounder of Consortio Services, and the primary Database Technologies Consultant. His background in informationtechnology is diverse, ranging from operating systems and hardwareto specialized applications and development. He has even done hisfair share of work on networks. Since IT is really just a way tosupport business processes, he has also acquired his MBA. All inall, he has 10 years of experience with IT, a great amount of whichhas been working with Microsoft SQL Server. Eric has managed anddesigned databases of all shapes and sizes. He has deliverednumerous SQL Server training classes and webcasts as well aspresentations at national technology conferences. Most recently, hepresented at Tech Mentor on SQL Server 2005 Replication, Reporting Services, and Integration Services. He also does a good deal ofwriting, including the recent four-part series, Tour de SQL, published in Redmond magazine. In addition, he is active inthe local SQL Server Community, serving as the president of the Colorado Springs SQL Server Users Group.Eric Beehler has been working in the IT industry sincethe mid-1990s, and has been playing with computer technology wellbefore that. From help desk technician to solutions provider, hehas been involved at many layers of enterprise solutions from thedesktop to the network to the server and the SAN. He currently hascertifications from Comp TIA (A+, N+, Server+), and Microsoft(MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician and Consumer Support Technician, MCTS: Windows Vista Configuration, MCDBA SQL Server2000, MCSE+I Windows NT 4.0, MCSE Windows 2000, and MCSE Windows2003). He also holds a master“s degree in businessadministration from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.His experience includes over nine years with Hewlett-Packard“s Managed Services division, working with Fortune 500 companies to deliver network and server solutions and, most recently, IT experience in the insurance industry working onhighly available solutions. He provides consulting and trainingthrough Consortio Services, LLC.
46 Ebooks von Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson & Eric Beehler: MCITP
If you are a support professional who sets up, maintains, andtroubleshoots desktop applications on Windows Vista, now you canbuild your skills and prepare for exam 70-623, MCITP: Supportingand Troubl …
Mary Grace Buckwalter & Nora Haenn: Teaching Road Map
The Teaching Roadmap is designed for college and secondary educators who are looking for support as they begin their teaching careers. While one of the main foci of this book is preparing new instruc …
Eric Johnson: Sustainability in the Chemical Industry
It’s the new rock and roll. It’s the new black. Sustainability is trendy, and not just among hipsters and pop stars. The uncool chemical sector helped pioneer it, and today, companies inside and outs …
Eric Johnson & Bill McKeever: Mormonism 101
Mormonism is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. For those who have wondered in what specific ways Mormonism differs from the Christian faith, Mormonism 101 provides definitive answers …
Eric Johnson & Joshua Jones: Developer’s Guide to Data Modeling for SQL Server, A
" A Developer’s Guide to Data Modeling for SQL Server explains the concepts and practice of data modeling with a clarity that makes the technology accessible to anyone building databases and dat …
Eric Johnson & Sean McDowell: Sharing the Good News with Mormons
How do you share the gospel with those who don’t think they need it?Someone you know is a Mormona family member, a coworker, a friend, or a neighborand you long to present the truth about Jesus and w …
Andy Byrd & Sean Feucht: Culture of Revival: A Revivalist Field Manual
The apostle Paul charged the Church to never be lacking in zeal, which compels believers to a life of radical service. Zeal is one of the greatest virtues that we could possibly pass on to the next g …
Johnson Eric O. Johnson: Working as a Data Librarian
Many librarians‘ job responsibilities increasingly require them to understand and handle data. Learn how to be an effective data librarian-even if you never expected to need data skills.The field of …
Eric Johnson: Juanita Bumpus
Juanita Weider Bumpus- Her’s was a life filled with undeniable triumph, with events rightly celebrated by her friends, family and community. But she also experienced, unknown to most, unimaginable tr …
Eric Johnson: Anxiety and the Equation
A man and his equation: the anxiety-plagued nineteenth-century physicist who contributed significantly to our understanding of the second law of thermodynamics.Ludwig Boltzmann’s grave in Vienna’s Ce …
Eric Johnson: Introducing Christianity to Mormons
Share Jesus with Your LDS Friends and Family One of our greatest challenges as Christians is sharing the truth with those who believe they’ve already found it. When witnessing to current or former me …
Eric Johnson: Aconselhamento cristão
O CRISTIANISMO EM ESSÊNCIA É UMA FÉ TERAPÊUTICA, UMA FORMA TEOCÊNTRICA DO CUIDADO DA ALMA. Em Aconselhamento cristão, Eric L. Johnson explora as riquezas da teologia cristã desde o fundamento da Trin …
Eric Johnson: My Father’s Story:
Discover the captivating story within the pages of ‚My Father’s Story: The Murder of the Best Man I’ve Ever Known‘ by Eric Johnson. The story unfolds when Eric delves into the life and tragic death o …
David S. Dockery & Christopher W. Morgan: Christian Higher Education
Our world is growing increasingly complex and confused—a unique and urgent context that calls for a grounded and fresh approach to Christian higher education. Christian higher education involves a di …