Autor: Erik Blasch

Dr. Lauro Snidaro is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Udine, Italy. Dr. Jesús García is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Dr. James Llinas is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, and in the Department of Electrical Engineering, at the State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, USA. Dr. Erik Blasch is a Principal Scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate (AFRL/RIEA) in Rome, NY, USA. The editors and contributors have all been leading experts within the international society of information fusion (ISIF).

5 Ebooks von Erik Blasch

Lauro Snidaro & Jesús García: Context-Enhanced Information Fusion
This text reviews the fundamental theory and latest methods for including contextual information in fusion process design and implementation. Chapters are contributed by the foremost international ex …
Erik Blasch & Sai Ravela: Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems
The Handbook of Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems establishes an authoritative reference of DDDAS, pioneered by Dr. Darema and the co-authors for researchers and practitioners develo …
Erik Blasch: High-Level Information Fusion Management and Systems Design
High-level information fusion is the ability of a fusion system to capture awareness and complex relations, reason over past and future events, utilize direct sensing exploitations and tacit reports, …
Alex Aved & Erik Blasch: Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, DDDAS 2020, held in Boston, MA, USA, in October 2020. The 21 full pape …
Alex Aved & Erik Blasch: Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems, DDDAS 2022, which took place in Cambridge, MA, USA, during October 6-10 …