Traditionally, signalprocessingtechniqueslayatthefoundationofmultimedia data processing and analysis. In the past few years, a new wave of advanced signal-processing techniques has delivered exciting results, increasing systems capabilities of e?ciently exchanging image data and extracting useful kno- edge from them. Signal Processing for Image Enhancement and Multimedia Processing is an edited volume, written by well-recognized international – searchers with extended chapter style versions of the best papers presented at the SITIS 2006 International Conference. This book presents the state-of-the-art and recent research results on the application of advanced signal processing techniques for improving the value of image and video data. It also discusses feature-based techniques for deep, feature-oriented analysis of images and new results on video coding on ti- honored topic of securing image information. Signal Processing for Image – hancement and Multimedia Processing is designed for a professional audience composedofpractitionersandresearchersinindustry.Thisvolumeisalsosu- able as a reference or secondary text for advanced-level students in computer science and engineering. The chapters included in this book are a selection of papers presented at the Signal and Image Technologies track of the international SITIS 2006 c- ference. The authors were asked to revise and extend their contributions to take into account the many challenges and remarks discussed at the conf- ence. A large number of high quality papers were submitted to SITIS 2006, demonstrating the growing interest of the research community for image and multimedia processing.
Image Restauration, Filtering and Compression.- On PDE-based spectrogram image restoration. Application to wolf chorus noise reduction and comparison with other algorithms.- A Modified Mean Shift Algorithm For Efficient Document Image Restoration.- An Efficient Closed Form Approach to the Evaluation of the Probability of False Alarm of the ML-CFAR Detector in a Pulse-to-Pulse Correlated Clutter.- On-orbit Spatial Resolution Estimation of CBERS-2 Imaging System Using Ideal Edge Target.- Distributed Pre-Processed CA-CFAR Detection Structure For Non Gaussian Clutter Reduction.- Multispectral Satellite Images Processing through Dimensionality Reduction.- SAR Image Compression based on Wedgelet-Wavelet.- Texture Analysis and Feature Extraction.- New approach of higher order textural parameters for image classification using statistical methods.- Texture Discrimination Using Hierarchical Complex Networks.- Error analysis of subpixel edge localisation.- Edge Point Linking by Means of Global and Local Schemes.- An Enhanced Detector of Blurred and Noisy Edges.- 3D Face Recognition using ICP and Geodesic Computation Coupled Approach.- Face Recognition and Shape Analysis.- A3FD: Accurate 3D Face Detection.- Two dimensional discrete statistical shape models construction.- A New Distorted Circle Estimator using an Active Contours Approach.- Detection of Facial Feature Points Using Anthropometric Face Model.- Intramodal Palmprint Authentication.- Multimedia Processing.- An Implementation of multiple Region-Of-Interest Models in H.264/AVC.- Rough Sets-Based Image Processing for Deinterlacing.- Intersubband Reconstruction of Lost Low Frequency Coefficients in Wavelet Coded Images.- Content-Based Watermarking by Geometric Warping and Feature-Based Image Segmentation.- Hardware Based Steganalysis.- Esophageal speech enhancement using source synthesis and formant patterns modification.- Arbitrary Image Cloning.- Iterative Joint Source-Channel Decoding with source statistics estimation: Application to image transmission.- AER Imaging.- 28.