Modeling and computer simulation of characteristics nanosystems.- Optical Properties of Small-Radius SWNTs within a Tight-Binding Model.- The Electronic Structure of Nanotubes and the Topological Arrangements of Carbon Atoms.- Irradiation Effect on the Electron Transport Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube.- Calculation of the Density Profile of Liquid Located in the Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube.- Small Metal Clusters: AB Initio Calculated Bare Clusters and Models Within Fullerene Cages.- Nanotechnology of building blocks and integrated nanosystems.- Nanoparticle Reactions on Chip.- Electrochemical Charging of Nanocarbons: Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Peapods.- Nano-Encapsulation of Fullerene in Dendrimers.- Irradiation-Controlled Adsorption and Organization of Biomolecules on Surfaces: From the Nanometric to the Mesoscopic Level.- Oriented Immobilization of C-Reactive Protein on Solid Surface for Biosensor Applications.- Mesoporous Aluminosilicates as a Host and Reactor for Preparation of Ordered Metal Nanowires.- Single and assembled molecules, nanoparticles on surface and interface investigations.- Scanning Probe Microscopy of Biomacromolecules: Instrumentation and Experiments.- Surface Science Tools and Their Application to Nanosystems Like C60 on Indium Phosphide.- Polarized Raman Spectroscopy of Single Layer and Multilayer Ge/Si(001) Quantum Dot Heterostructures.- Fundamental properties of carbon integrated nanosystems.- Nanosystems of Polymerized Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes.- Synthesis and Characterization of C60-and C70 Polymer Phases.- The Nanospace Inside Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes.- Mechanical Properties of Carbon Thin Films.- Fundamental properties of silicon integrated nanosystems.- Thin Carbon Layers on Nanostructured Silicon-Properties and Applications.- 1D Periodic Structures Obtained by Deep Anisotropic Etching of Silicon.- Diode Shottky Systems on Al-Nanosilicon Interface Layer-Si.- Multifunctional applications of nanosystems.- Nano-Bio Electronic Devices Based on DNA Bases and Proteins.- DNA, DNA/Metal Nanoparticles, DNA/Nanocarbon and Macrocyclic Metal Complex/Fullerene Molecular Building Blocks for Nanosystems: Electronics and Sensing.- Silicon Nanocrystals in Si O2 for Memory Devices.- On the Route Towards a Monolithically Integrated Silicon Photonics.- Photoluminescent Nanosilicon Systems.- Optical Characterisation of Opal Photonic Hetero-Crystals.- Magnetism in Polymerized Fullerenes.- Application of the Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes: Computation of the Magnetic Properties and the 13C NMR Shifts.- Nanotube Spintronics: Magnetic Systems Based on Carbon Nanotubes.- Spin Coherence and Manipulation in Si/Sige Quantum Wells.- Fundamental Properties of Ferromagnetic Micro- and Nanostructured Films for Application in Optoelectronics.- Porous Silicon for Chemical Sensors.- Silicon Micromachined Sensors for Gas Detection.- Microporous Zeolite Membranes — a Useful Tool for Gas Sensing Systems.- Genomagnetic Electrochemical Biosensors.- Nanocapsules — A Novel Tool for Medicine and Science.- Biological Molecule Conformations Probed and Enhanced by Metal and Carbon Nanostructures: SEIRA, AFM and SPR Data.- Concerning Signaling in in Vitro Neural Arrays Using Porous Silicon.