8 people – 6 Months – 1 Country – 43 States – 20 Cities – 18 churches visited – 10 homes – 24 campsites – 5 host churches – 2 Bible Conferences – 20 National Parks – 20 Museums – 7 Capitol Buildings – 2 Military Bases – 2 Space Shuttles – 3 Great Bridges – 108 Fridge Magnets – 21, 139 Kilometers (or 13, 138 miles)When Singaporeans, Dan and Sue, decided to take their six homeschooled children on an epic 6-month road trip in the USA, they never did imagine just how tremendous their experience would turn out to be! Traveling with their faithful Pop-up Camper, 6 kids in tow (15- 3 years old), America has left them with a deeply enriching experience. A full colour, 300 page book with many stunning and inspiring photographs taken by their eldest son Asher (who was 15 at the time of the trip), this travelogue attempts to chronologically record the family’s epic 43 state journey around the USA. The whole family contributes many candid thoughts and learning moments being on a daily shifting schedule and of their encounters in a vast country so different from their own.
As exciting as any unscripted adventure could go- expect the unexpected. There were many ups and downs in the course of their journey. The Ongs give an insight into some of their Christian guiding principles on how their family of eight co-exist together in loving relationships, and how they overcame obstacles and difficulties they encountered. School was everywhere they camped, Education was lived out, America was their textbook, and God, their Master Teacher!
Über den Autor
About the Author
6 Kids and a Pop-Up Camper is Sue Ong’s first foray into print (entering somewhat on a whim) but she has been writing for many years on her parenting and Christian homeschooling blog: the Ong Family Homeschool. Born and educated in Singapore all her life, graduating with a degree in English Language and Literature, Sue has taken the unconventional route by becoming a stay-at-home mom to six children and homeschooling all of them. She enjoys playing the piano and cello and sings (mostly in the home and church context.) Throw in her other loves like sewing clothes for her girls, baking wedding and special occasion cakes- Sue is one happily busy Mom and Wife!
About the Photographer
Being homeschooled since birth, Asher Ong’s educational experience is a rather special one: one that is full of exploration and chasing his passions. At the age of 11, he was crazy over bicycles. He rode his bike daily, learning to take it apart, clean, and reassemble. He learned it all on his own and was guided by the internet. This was his learning style that patterned future interests.Again, being mostly self-taught with some guidance from friends at church, this book is a product of his most recent passions- photography, photo-editing and graphic designing. Led by God at the age of 15, he had a remarkable opportunity to travel for 6 months around the USA, capturing the sights and recording his family’s journey. He has a long way to go in learning the visual arts but he certainly has shown great talent and potential, for which he is grateful to God for.
Besides visual design, Asher loves to run and swim and he also plays the guitar and cello.