In The Lonely Road Mr. Jeffery Farnol tells a stirring tale of pursuit and escape in the troubled times following the breakdown of the Jacobite rising of 1715. Jason Wayne flying from the red-coats, seeks refuge among the woodlands and valleys of his native Sussex. There he enlists the help of the Romany folk, of rustic smugglers and of highwaymen. Above all, love comes to his rescue and shares his perils. At last, when all seems lost, he finds peace and content. Mr. Farnol is so whole hearted in his enthusiasm that it rings through every word he writes. In an age when detachment and laboured analysis have become almost wearisome Mr. Farnol takes us by the arm confidentially, leads us into some corner of his beloved Sussex, assures us that we are not so old and sophisticated as we think we are, and tells us a story full of laughter and the simple things of life.