Akademische Arbeit aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Jura – Strafrecht, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The point of discussion of this paper is to have a detailed overview of blasphemy laws under the ‚Pakistan Penal Code‘. This paper will begin by discussing what blasphemy is, then it will discuss the blasphemy laws in Pakistan with the historical background. It will explain the landmark blasphemy case: Mst. Asia Bibi v The State. The critical review of the Asia Bibi Case will be given in this paper at hand.
This paper will briefly discuss the flaws in sec on 295C and how it is causing injustices in society and further discusses how it is misused against minorities and discriminates against people on the basis of their religion. Furthermore, it will be discussed how blasphemy laws are causing serious threats to society, perhaps destroying the religious harmony in the society.
In addition to that this paper will also discuss these laws in the light of Islam. In the end, it will give some recommendations to make this law compatible with society.
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