Autor: Fernando Lolas

Fernando Lolas, MD, is Professor and Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies on Bioethics at the University of Chile. His former appointments as Head of the Bioethics Program of the Pan-American Health Organization and as member of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee, along with a successful career as researcher and educator, provide a foundation for his reflections on the origins and development of research ethics in the Latin American region.Eduardo Rodriguez, PhD, is a Researcher of the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies on Bioethics of the University of Chile. He has extensive experience as researcher in genetics, and has published on the ethics of research.

3 Ebooks von Fernando Lolas

Fernando Lolas & Horst Mayer: Perspectives on Stress and Stress-Related Topics
Why a new book on stress when so many are already available? There is widespread awareness of the impact of scientific research in this field, both theoretical and practical. Scores of articles and b …
Louis A. Gottschalk & Fernando Lolas: Content Analysis of Verbal Behavior
The psychological states of patients with diabetes mellitus were compared with those of patients suffering from other chronic diseases and people with no diagnosed chronic diseases. These states were …
Fernando Lolas & Eduardo Rodriguez: Latin American Perspectives on Scientific Research
This collection of papers presents case studies and reflections on research bioethics from the standpoint of two Latin American academics involved in the teaching and dissemination of good practices …