Juber Galeano Loaiza
Economist from the Universidad del Valle (1991), specialist in Regional Urban Planning (1999) and MA in Regional Urban Studies, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, at Medellín (2003). Professor and researcher at the undergraduate and graduate levels, Universidad de San Buenaventura at Cali. He has been a consultant in the formulation of municipal and departmental land-use plans and in the urban and financial simulations of partial plans and urban macro-projects. He is the head of the research group Architecture, urban planning, and aesthetics of the Faculty of Architecture, Arts, and Design of the Universidad de San Buenaventura at Cali.
Fernando Urrea Giraldo
Sociologist (1970), MA in Political Science, Universidad de los Andes (1980). Emeritus Professor at the Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Universidad del Valle, and Researcher at CIDSE (1984-present). His lines of research focus on racial and labor studies; social class and ethnicity-race; the intersections between gender, sexual identities, ethnicity-race, and social class (black, indigenous and white-mestizo masculinities and femininities); violence, crime, and ethnicity-race.
Maria Isabel Caicedo Hurtado
Economist from Universidad del Valle (2014) with an MA in Applied Economics (2019). Member of the COAPTAR research group at the Center for Socioeconomic Research and Documentation of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences (CIDSE). She served as the Technical Secretary of the Alliance of Universities for Regional Urban Development. Currently, she works at CIDSE“s Urban Laboratory. Her research interests lies in the problems of youth employment; violence; crime and labor.
3 Ebooks von Fernando Urrea Giraldo
Fernando Urrea Giraldo & Jeanny Posso Quiceno: Feminidades, sexualidades y colores de piel
En este libro se analizan los cambios y continuidades que se presentan en las construcciones identitarias femeninas contemporáneas, desde el ámbito de las sexualidades, de mujeres negras e indígenas, …
Fernando Urrea Giraldo & Júber Galeano Loaiza: Cali, expanded city-region
Is the outcome of interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaborative research carried out by the Alliance of Universities for Regional Urban Development with Equity, constituted by the Universida …
Fernando Urrea Giraldo & Jeanny Posso Quiceno: Feminidades, sexualidades y colores de piel
En este libro se analizan los cambios y continuidades que se presentan en las construcciones identitarias femeninas contemporáneas, desde el ámbito de las sexualidades, de mujeres negras e indígenas, …